Fritz box 7530
Hi all,
I speak very little German so doesn't help to call up the service line as can't get past the robots :/.
I had a technician come around today...the power/DSL light is blinking but I did manage to get through to a agent who told me the technology was cable (my landlord set up the appointment but he lives in Berlin and I live I'm Mainz) what am I doing wrong...I have no idea how to fix what ever I am suppose to..I saw online a troubleshooting guide for dsl but if this is cabel then I'm all outta ideas...
Helppp pleeeease 😄
3 Antworten 3

Hello Kiwi1987,


okay, then we have to check first, if you have a DSL or Cable contract.


Did we send you the FritzBox 7530? Then you have a DSL contract.


Best Regards


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Hi Sebastian,
Thanks for the reply...Had to redo an account as didn't confirm my email. It's a DSL line for sure as yup you guys sent me the Fritz box.....I used the modem installation code before the power/DSL line was stable...and first it said it was timed out...then all of a sudden the Fritz box userface came up with all the it something I did wrong?...was I meant to wait for it to stabilise....I've tried the troubleshooting of the Fritz box webpage but nothing....:(...ideas?

Hi Kiwi19870,


please send me a PM with your customer number. Then I'll have a look at it. Smiley (fröhlich)

Just click on my avatar and then go to "Diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht senden".


Best regards,,


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