am 02.04.2020 07:36 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 02.04.2020 13:02 von Matthes
I would like to cancel my contract for DSL as I moved to new apartment, it has slower or no service Vodafone in that area. I have so contacted Vodafone to cancel the contract with no avail. I also gave the address of the new apartment to prove to Vodafone that the speed required was not available. I am still paying the bill for the last two month when I not using any internet,
I would like to use my right and cancel the contract immediately, I know I am liable to pay for 3 months according to the telecommunication act. I have paid for the last two months without using the service.
Kundennummer: 0019********
Abhiyash Jain
Edit by Matthes (Mod): please do not post any personal customer data publicly
am 03.04.2020 17:22
Hi Abhiyash,
welcome to the Vodafone Community!
This is a public customer-helps-customer forum. So please do not post personal data in public.
I had a look into your account.
The contract has been canceled on March 20th. We have sent a confirmation via E-Mail on that day.
Please remember to send back the modem. You will find all info in our e-mail.
You will receive at least one more invoice for the period until March 20th.