Sehr langsames Internet in den letzten 4-5 Tagen!

Berlin, 10117

Ethernet Connection - 200 MB DL 12 UL

Google Chrome



Hello again, with another internet problem. Internet is completely unusable for the last 4-5 days. What is going on, and how long will it last? I am unable to work. If this is not fixed by today, there should be some compensation for this month because I am losing money unable to do my freelance work. Thank you for your help.


Hallo nochmal, mit einem anderen Internetproblem. Das Internet ist in den letzten 4-5 Tagen völlig unbrauchbar. Was ist los und wie lange wird es dauern? Ich kann nicht arbeiten Wenn dies bis heute nicht behoben ist, sollte es eine Entschädigung für diesen Monat geben, da ich Geld verliere, das nicht in der Lage ist, meine freiberufliche Arbeit zu verrichten. Danke für deine Hilfe.

33 Antworten 33

Hello Claudia,

Thank you so much for your reply. It is a bit better now, but the upload is still around 3. I used to get the full 12 about 2-3 months ago, I don't know why suddenly it became like this. I would be okay with 8 upload, even 6 maybe, but 3 is just too low for me.


I am still very grateful for your help.


"the upload problems are caused by a combination of a disrupter in the return path and a high utilisation in the upstreams as well. "


What does this actually mean, and why is it happening right now? 😞


Hello xChaolin,


a disrupter is a signal that disturbs the line. The cause for this signal may be a defective device like a hair dryer or something or the net is too old. The high utilisation comes from a heavy usage of the net where many customers use the upload at the same time. The net capacity needs to be enhanced to handle the load.


Kind regards,


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So unfortunately, until 22.00 my upload remains stuck around 3 and this is not enough for me to work. Until when would you say this will remain a problem? I've had to buy mobile data because I'm using my phone with Vodafone as a hotspot. Is there any compensation possible? I've had this problem since the beginning of this month, and if it is going to last a few more weeks.. then this will be a problem for me financially.


Hello xChaolin,


there are some extensive construction works needed to lower the upstream utilisation. They shall be finished by the end of the year. I can offer you a reimbursement for March to December.


Kind regards,


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Hello Claudia, sorry for the late reply.


What exactly is this reimbursement? Could you give me details either from here, or by private message? Thank you very much in advance.




it is a credit in the amount of 50 % of the monthly price until december. I have already deposited this.





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That is acceptable for me. Thank you!




you are welcome 🙂





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Hello Tobias,

My upload is still around the 0.5 during the day, until 23.00 pm. Claudia had talked about something like a disruptor and that she had done something to make it a bit better. Could this be checked one last time? I understand that the upload will not go to the 12 mbps mark which I paid for, and that's why I have received a reimbursement. But can it at least be around the 3-4 mark? Can this be checked in a way, one last time if it won't be too much trouble? Thank you very much for your help.


Hello Chaolin,


the fault is currently still present. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to state a completion date.


Best regards, Martin

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