




WhatsApp and Telegram disconnected frequently in my Cable Internet

I have a Cable internet and it has a great speed but I have some problems:
1- It disconnected during video / voice calls (it seems upload works fine but download has some issue during the voice call, since they can see or hear me but I lost their voice and video). I should mention the wifi does or internet light stays on on my modem even when chat is disconnected.

2- I can not use my PPTP work office VPN and it seems something related to IPv4 / v6, how can I change my IP to version IPv4?

9 Antworten 9

Hello HamidAlizadeh,


first of all welcome to our community. Nice that you are here.


Have you ever tested it over a LAN connection? Do the calls take place during a VPN connection?


About IPv4: Have you ever asked your employer if they can also provide an Ipv6 connection?


Before I can help you further, please tell me in which state you live.


Best regards


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The whatsApp calls are not during the VPN use, I use my iPhone my tablet and an Android phone and all of them have the same issue when using these kind of applications (the over all speed is good I have near 900Mbps/50Mbps to my router and from the wifi I get 120Mbps/50Mbps).
About the IPv6, I ask them but it seems they can not do it in near future.

I live in Kaiserslautern City in Rhineland-Palatinate


Hello HamidAlizadeh,


please send me the name of the contract holder, the date of birth, the complete address and the customer number via PN .


After that, please leave a short feedback here.


Many greetings, Martin

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Hello HamidAlizadeh,


unfortunately you have forgotten the customer number, can you please send it via PN ?


Many greetings, Martin

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Hello HamidAlizadeh,


the connection looks completely inconspicuous. Have you ever reset the cable router to the factory settings?

Are you experiencing any other problems?


Best regards, Martin

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Hello @Martin59 , 

Actually I did not reset factory the modem untill yesterday that you mentioned it using the small button and needle but it still get disconnected in Instagram live or WhatsApp calls.
I also not able to use PPTP vpn connection due to IPv6 assigned to my router that would be better if I had IPv4

Best regards, Hamid


Hello Hamid,


I have just made an adjustment. Please have a look if it works now.


Many greetings, Martin

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It seems the Skype is workinf fine now but I still can not connect to (PPtP) VPN


Hello HamidAlizadeh,


your router has DualStack, so it uses IPv6 and IPv4 in parallel. That means from our side everything is enabled for VPN. Please ask the one that provides the VPN for advice and support.


Kind regards


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