




Vodafone router reboots every 30-60 minutes while Phone signal blinking red

Hello! I've been having an issue with my internet connection for very long time. Sometimes the router works fine, all indicators flash white, no issues. However, frequently, the Phone indicator starts blinking red. The internet connection still works at that period, however, the router reboots every 30-60 minutes when this blinking takes place. This is very irritating especially if that happens during an important zoom meeting.


  • What contract do you have? Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable
  • Which modem / router do you use? Vodafone TG3442DE
  • Do you use a rental device from us or do you have your own device ? Rental device
  • Which error occurs? There is no connection. The router intermitently blinks red
  • How is your terminal with the modem connected ? WLAN
  • Which browser do you normally use? Chrome
  • What operating system do you have on your computer? Windows
  • Start and period of the disruption  From time to time since the start of the contract
1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello inplay,


unfortunately, there is no one-to-one support at this point. Please contact one of the other contact channels so that they can take a closer look at your connection.


Regards Fred

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19 Antworten 19

Hello inplay,


well, that sounds really bad. How often does this happen? And is it on special times or randomly?


What do you do to get it online again or is the connection coming back by itself?


Best regards, Manu

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Hello Manu,


Thank you for a quick reply.


During this week, the router has constantly been in this mode with red LED blinking for "Phone".


I do not do anything special. When the router works with this blinking thing, the internet connection is up, the issue is that the router reboots by itself every 30-60 minutes. Once the router has rebooted, it atuomatically sets up the internet connection again without any actions from my side.


Long story short: the internet connection works but it is extremely unstable with the router constantly rebooting.


Ok, that sounds like a problem with the signal from outside. I will have a look. Please send me your name, address, date of birth and customer number in a Privatnachricht. 


Sign in here again, when the message is sent.


Best, Manu

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Hi inplay,


you signal values are not in good condition. I would like to have a technician come out and take a look at it on site. If that's okay with you, I still need a cell phone number so we can make an appointment.

Is the house installation accessible?


Please note the information about the service charge. If the cause is in our area of responsibility, the service is free of charge for you.


Due to the current developments we have to take certain precautions. Therefore, we need to know if there are any symptoms in your household that could be related to Covid-19. Of course we don't want to offend you, but on the other hand we don't want to endanger more people unnecessarily.


Kind regards



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Hello Marco,


Thank you for checking the signals.


Technical assiatance could be helpful but prior to sending can you tell me how much the possible service charge is?


Besides that, what exactly can be I charged for? I'm renting this apartment and I have no idea what's there inside the wall. Do I need to check it myself prior to calling you to ensure that everything is fine? I mean before receiving a technician I would like to have at least some understanding regarding the areas of responsibilities of yours and mine in this aspect. I would be grateful for clarifying this.


The fee would be 99,50€. Here are some more information:




YXou could be charged, when you damaged something yourself or when your are not at home at the appointment.

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Thank you for clarifying this aspect. It seems I do not have visible chargable damages of the equipment or the wires or connectors.


However, prior to calling for a technician, I would like to provide you some additional information regarding the situation. I decided to look inside the wall socket I used to connect the router to, maybe it was damaged. Besides the fact that it was covered with paint (after the previous tenants painted the walls before leaving), it looked OK, please see photo "socket1" attached. However, I thought that maybe the paint might have caused some issues and I decided to connect the router in another room (photo "socket2"). The behavior is still the same: the Phone LED is still blinking red.


At the moment the router is being connected in the other room. Could you please check if the signals are any better now?





the values are better now, but far from perfect and there are still frequent reboots. It will not get better without a technician intervention. Can I hire the technician?




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It seems a technician assistance is inevitable. So yes, let's arrange his visit. How should we agree on the date and time? Here, in DMs or someone will call me?