am 13.05.2022 20:20
I am writing this community post as a last resort.
have been using Vodafone Cable internet at my home since Feb 2022. From 10.05.2022, I am experiencing frequent connection problems. I am getting disconnected from the internet (Mobile/Laptop shows No Internet but still connected to the wifi network). I nead to disconnect and connect again to the wifi to solve this problem. Sometimes, it takes a long time to re-connect. I restarted the router once I experienced this issue and I could see a red light for almost 4-5 minutes, and then connected to internet. This happens several times a day and affects my homeoffice works.
I tried to contact vodafone technical support to raise a ticket.I am new to Germany and I can't understand or speak German. I call the support telephone numbers, and say "Operator" to talk to some English speaking agents. But most of the time I am getting connected to a German speaking agent and they end the call saying I need to call again. This happened severaltimes.
After a few tries, I was lucky to get an English speaking agent. I explained my problem to him. He gave another number to call. I dialled that number, after several attempts I got an English speaking agent, talked to him, arranged a callback, that was also in German. Seems like they put me in a never ending loop.
I am really fed-up now. I want to raise a ticket and get this issue solved. For that, I need to know
1) how can I contact the Cable Internet support team, who speaks English to raise a complaint.
2) can I do it via Email/Chat?
Any helps would be grately appreciated.
Thanks and regards,
am 15.05.2022 11:16
Hi Ajesh,
to get someone speaking English at the hotline, you need luck To get support in english you can write hier in our community or you can use our support-sites on Twitter or Facebook
Now you are here, we'd like to check the connection and find a solution. Please send me your name, address, day of birth and customer number by PN. Please also let me know here if you have sent the message.
Kind regards
am 03.06.2022 07:28
Hi Ajesh,
the signal-values seems to bee good. Would you please give me some examples of the problem?
Kind regards
am 05.06.2022 14:43
Hi Marco,
First of all, I would like to inform you that this problem occurs now and then. Other time, everything seems okay.
Now let's come to the actual problem.
I am frequently seeing a "No Internet" on Windows, Linux and Android devices. For example, while I am attending a google meet call, it gets frozen for a while with a "No internet" message. If I check the Wifi indicators on the device, I can see that the device is still connected to the Wifi, but the there is no internet access.
All signals (LEDS) on the router seems okay. If I disconnect the wifi and connect it again (Flight mode on/off) then, it takes a while (2-3 Minutes to connect to the Wifi, max 5 minute). Then everything works normal.
This happens many times a day, but not every day.
am 09.06.2022 09:33
Hi ajesh,
so I'd like to replace to router for free. Is that okay for you? What about your other thread with nearly the same problem?
Kind regards
am 13.06.2022 13:05
Hi Marco,
If you believe that replacing the router will fix this issue, I have no objection in getting it replaced by Vodafone.
About the other thread, it is closed now since you replied on this.
Btw, I would like to add that I am still facing the prolems, too often nowadays. I bought a LAN adapter and tested my internet via LAN cable when it shows No Internet. I can confirm that it's not an issue with Wifi but with the LAN too.
I would expect a through check from the Vodafone team on this matter.
Last issue happened 06/13/2022 Around, 12:00 13:00 PM. I have taken the screenshot and videos of the issue. If you need I can submit it.
am 13.06.2022 14:58
Hi Ajesh,
in this period of time there is only a reboot visible. The new modem will arrive soon. You can replace it yourself. Please send the old one back to us for free with the return-paper within 14 days. Please also keep us informed!
Kind regards