




Problems with Upload (1000MB tarif) VERY SLOW even after Technician came



I have Kabel 1000, and a new router CGA4233DE, and I am expering that the Upload Speed does usually have a speed of 10Mbps over the whole day. Furthermore, right now since some days ago I am seeing speeds of 2Mbps in the evening, which is ridiculous. When I get the full 50Mbps is sometimes in the early morning, and for sure over the night, when I am sleeping, but that is NOT when I need 50Mbps.


I attach pictures of the DOCSIS at this moment:


DOCSIS 1.jpgDOCSIS 2.jpg

The router I just received it, and a technician came to my place today in the morning, to try to solve it, he said he did all what he could to make the connection better, and until 9am it was better, true, but again is, in this very moment, having a ridiculous upload speed, way less than even 50% of my hired speed:




I see the OFDMA channel with failure, the technician told me that is normal, that is not active in this location, but then, what is the solution? Simply pay for a speed I will never get?

This is happening always, very bad upload speeds, but lately, is getting worse and worse, and seems like Vodafone does not have any plan to solve this situation.

What can I do?

20 Antworten 20

Hi fjusdado,


I'm sorry you were sold the tariff. Normally, marketing in such areas is discontinued. It's no use to anyone then. The question is how you want to proceed. Are credit notes enough for you or do you want to change to a DSL tariff?


Kind regards


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Well the questions are:


When will this be solved? Is it actually even planned to be solved? Or not really?

Will DSL work better? With not so unstable ping and high speed download upload?

And the last question, once the problem is solved, will a change of tarif to Kabel be free of charge to what I have now and be able to continue with my contract as per now? I would like 1000download and 50upload, but if this is not possible to be kept by Vodafone, then I find ridiculous to be in this situation.


The main issue I have is how shady all is, no one seems to know that the problem is there for long and that it is still not solved, and the last meeting with the technician he told me he needs to enter to our keller to check the main connection, which he couldn't due to not having the keys, so we need other termin with the hausmeister and the technician, but you tell me that that would not solve anything.

Also credit notes, what does it mean? Should I be calling Vodafone EVERY MONTH for making a credit note?


Hi fjusdado,


it is planned to solve this within the next year, but I don't have an exact date.

DSL should be more stable. We can provide up ti 250MBit/s at your location. You can switch back to cable free of charge once the problem is solved.


We also can give you a credit till it is solved. There is no need to call the hotline once a months. We would give it for 6 months t once.


Kind regards


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For me the most important is i cannot remain without internet any time, my work depends on it.


I would say that is sensible that the technician comes and tries to fix anything that he can in the central of the building (as he told me he will do), and if this does not work, we can check the changing to DSL only during the time Kabel does not work, but I would like to have that defined in writing, with the conditions of changing and changing back.


How would I have to procceed if I would want to have DSL 250/40 until this is solved then?


Thank you for your support,





Hello fjusdado,


in the task ***757/21 the technician stated that he couldn't enter your flat because of a quarantine situation and that you would get back in touch once the quarantine is over. Please note that the DSL line isn't an option that can get switched on and off every time the cable connection has a problem. Unless you choose to keep one of them as a fallback and pay for both one of the contracts will be ended when you decide to switch, in this case here the cable contract.


Kind regards,


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Well that's half true, is true he couldn't enter to my place because my girlfriend was quarantined, but the reason he didn't do anything is because he couldn't enter to the internet room in the keller, because we didn't have a key. I need to make a new arrangement for a new Termin, now I am quarantined, once I am out of quarantine.

For the DSL idea, it is not me, but your colleage ERFD the one that said that this issue won't be resolved, and the expansion work will last thru 2022 (since 2020, remember that) and pRo-Marco stated that I can change to DSL while this problem is happening.

To be really honest, I only want that internet works, I have been with Internet not correctly working for so long, and I want an internet that does not have pings of over 200ms if I want to play videogames online, or that gives me more than 2Mbps of upload if I want to stream in twitch.

I rather have a kabel line, but if this cannot be achieved with kabel yet due to an expansion, and change to dsl kostenlos is possible during the time of that expansion, I can even accept that, but then once the expansion is over, I expect to be moved back to my actual tarif of 1000Mbps download and 50Mbps upload and that it works at the advertised (and paid) speeds.


Hello fjusdado,


the switch to DSL is not a bridge. This is a new contract with a new term. Of course you can return to Kabel later. However, at the current conditions there.


Best regards Fred

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Ok, other techniker came, checked the whole building internet connection in the keller, and no solution, is a problem of Vodafone since more than 1 year ago, and is still not solved even though Vodafone has been charging full fare to me for all this time.


This is ridiculous, and I would like to know how can I change to DSL, and once it is solved go back to Kabel. How can I do this? To which number should I call? I want to not have an outage of internet any time, I need to have internet at home, does not work to me to stop Kabel today and in 2 weeks a techniker will come to install DSL.


I attach pictures of what I am going thru with vodafone at the moment, with a pingplotter to dns.google.com.


Screenshot 2022-01-17 194540.pngScreenshot 2022-01-18 154400.png



Hi fjusdado,


I have passed the case on to my DSL colleagues. They will call you to make you an offer. Feel free to report here if everything worked out.


Kind regards


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Thank you, and then changing to Kabel will be later once it works kostenlos and all, right? Because I don't want a 2 year contract of DSL from which I cannot go to Kabel if the Kabel works again.

And how can I know whether the Kabel works already? I mean, is there any schedule for fixing all this?