am 20.06.2022 15:31 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 20.06.2022 15:35 von Anett
I have Vodafone CableMax 1000 plan from 1st June 2022. Speed in currently below 100 mbps, Sometimes even less than 10 -20Mbps.
Please help to rectify the issue and provide atleast more than 600-700 Mbps. I switched from 1 und 1 and now took the costlier monthly plan. Though i had lesser speed plan earlier but it was very reliable connection. No issue at all.
Is it general with Vodafone that your connection is not reliable. I need peace of mind. if it can't be provided than what is the use of 1000 mbps speed 😞
P.S: I have already logged a complaint via Vodafone customer care. Technician came and checked my home connection on 13th June 2022. He told that no issue at my home end but the Vodafone machine is in another house where he suspected the issue (My is house no. 26 but he told it is in house no. 30).
He told that he will raise a request from back end and get the issue checked. But, i didn’t hear anything post that and my issue is not yet fixed. What to do now?
@AKA1983 Post moved to the appropriate board
20.06.2022 20:11 - bearbeitet 20.06.2022 20:12
Dann führe mit LAN einen Speedtest von durch. Poste das Ergebnis als Foto - 3tes Icon von links.
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