No internet

For the past 24h internet is off

2 Antworten 2

General information:


  • In which state do you live? Please also send the zip code
    • Berlin 10707
  • Which contract do you have? (e.g. internet + telephone 100)
    • Red Internet & Phone 250 Cable
  • Which modem / router do you use? (e.g. Hitron)
  • Do you use a loaner device from us or do you have your own device ?
    • loan
  • What is the error ? (Speed ​​too low; packet loss) Send screenshots of speed tests (with date and time) and tracer / ping plotter measurements in the event of packet loss or ping problems
    • Intertnet doesn't work/ or is extremely slow
  • How is your terminal with the modem connected ? ( LAN; WLAN; additional router; PowerLAN )
    • Both LAN and WLAN of the Vodafone Station
  • Which browser do you usually use? (e.g. Firefox)
    • Chrome - Version 92.0.4515.131 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Which operating system do you have on your computer? (e.g. Windows)
    • MacOS Big Sur Version 11.6
  • Start and period of the disturbance  (e.g. since the beginning of April; only in the evening)
    • Since 13.11.2021, still happening
  • Which measures were carried out by the fault hotline (available at 0800-5266625)?
    • The fault hotline has not been contacted.

First of all, welcome to our community. It's nice that you are here, Raphael.


Sorry, that your connection is not working. What is the current status? If I can still help you, please send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address in a private message.


As soon as you have sent me your details, please let me know again briefly in your message.


Best regards


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