No internet on initial setup (red blinking light)


I have been trying to get help from Vodafone's customer service but they don't really speak English and I don't know what to do... I have tried everything I could think of to solve the problem on my own. 

Upon initial setup my router is having a blinking red light on "Internet" but Wifi light  is showing the normal white light. My devices can connect to the wifi but there is no internet. I have tried everything I read in the troubleshooting guide but nothing worked. The red blinking light just keeps going on.. 

Can please someone please please help me?  Smiley (traurig)

I provide you with some additional info: 
Location: Berlin
Internet socket: 3 points socket

Router: Vodafone station Wifi 6
Internet: Kabel, 250 mbit

1 Antwort 1

in any case the internet-led is flashing red, there is no signal.

u will have 2 contact the support !