




No internet for the past 10 days

Hello Vodafone team,

i do not have any internet for the past 10 days now. The internet got disonnected last Sunday 12th Dec and fro then it is not coming. I though it is because of removal of the bomb from the wedding area. I live in Togostr. I constantly receieve the below message when i try to check my cable connection 


In Deiner Region gibt es eine zentrale Störung. Das tut uns leid. Wir arbeiten schon an einer Lösung.

Die Störung betrifft:Beeinträchtigung oder Ausfall mehrerer Dienste
Its amazing that in a country like Germany I am without internet for so long and the Vodafone service is so poor that they cannot resolve a service level issue for 10 days.
I should be refunded 10 days of money for no internet, i pay for the service which if not coming should be given back.
Let me know when this issue will be resolved. Its really frustrating.
13 Antworten 13

Just to add in I live in Berlin, Wedding 13351

Please answer the questions from this thread so that it is easier to narrow down in advance. Incidentally, screenshots of your channel values are much easier to read than copy & paste the values.

I have moved your contribution to the cable fault board.

  • In welchem Bundesland wohnst Du? Sende bitte auch die Postleitzahl
  • Answer: 13351, Berlin
  • Welchen Vertrag hast Du? (z.B. Internet + Telefon 100)
  • Answer: Kabel, internet
  • Welches Modem/ Router nutzt Du? (z.B. Hitron)
  • Answer: Its a vodafone cable modem. Photo is attached
  • Nutzt Du ein Leih-Gerät von uns oder hast Du ein eigenes Gerät?
  • Answer: it was provided by Vodafone
  • Welcher Fehler tritt auf? (Geschwindigkeit zu gering; Packetloss) Schicke dazu auch Screenshots von Speedtests (mit Datum und Uhrzeit) und Tracerts/ Pingplotter-Messungen bei Packetloss oder Ping-Problemen
  • Answer: there is completely no internet, only a red light blinks. Photo attached
  • Wie ist Dein Endgerät mit dem Modem verbunden? (LAN; WLAN; zusätzlicher Router; PowerLAN)
  • Answer: both of them
  • Welchen Browser verwendest Du normalerweise? (z.B. Firefox)
  • Answer: Chrome and Firefox
  • Welches Betriebssystem hast Du auf Deinem Rechner? (z.B. Windows)
  • Answer: Windows and apple
  • Beginn und Zeitraum der Störung (z.B: seit Anfang April; nur am Abend)
  • Answer: internet is not there since 12 Dec-2021
  • Lade dazu noch einen Screenshot von den Signalwerten hoch. Diese findest Du in der Benutzeroberfläche Deines Kabelrouters über bzw. über bei der Fritzbox.
  • Answer: Absolutely nothing can be done, no ping whatsoever
  • Welche Maßnahmen wurden durch die Störungshotline (erreichbar unter 0800-5266625 für Vodafone Kabel Deutschland bzw. 0221/46619100 für Vodafone West) durchgeführt?

Hi Akhter,


sorry for the issue Smiley (traurig) I will prove the connection and then we will see, what we will do in the next step, okay?

Please send me your name, address, day of birth and customer number by PN. Please also let me know here if you have sent the message.


Kind regards


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Hello Marco,

I have sent you the private message with my details. Please take a look at this matter. My office work is disturbed a lot because of this unavailability of internet.


Best regards



Hello Aadil,


thank you for your PM. Unfortunately there has been a fire that destroyed a part of our equipment. Currently we are looking at which components need to be replaced. I created a task so you will be informed when the outage is over but I'm afraid it might take some time until everything works again :/. Do you have a mobile number from Vodafone, either with a contract or via CallYa? If yes, please send it in another PM and reply in this thread again, so we can check if we can give you data volume. The 50GB can be booked every 16 days.


Kind regards,


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Wow, 10 days without Internet? You should definitely sue the place. I know a case from my friend that they didn't provide internet service, but they charged for it anyway (it was Vodafone). So she got a lawyer and resolved the case. Imagine you have an online exam or an urgent meeting that you can't reschedule. You did not lose just 10 days, you lost 10 days that you cannot get it back.  Imagine what you could have done during this time. You should definitely sue them.

I have sent you a private message, But I fail to understand why is it taking so long to solve this issue. Can you give me an approximate time for it.


Hi @Akhter,


sorry, but we cant book anything more, when you already got always on 😞 Sorry for that..





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