No Internet for 3+ days in 10243

We have had no internet for more than 3 days in our flat in Berlin, 10243.

My wife and I cannot fulfill our work duties as the LTE which we switched to seems to be overloaded.


When I go to Netz-Assistent I get the following:


> An Deinem Anschluss funktionieren Internet, Telefon und TV nicht. Das tut uns leid. Wir kümmern uns darum, dass Du ihn schnell wieder nutzen kannst. Du kannst Deinen Anschluss voraussichtlich ab 24.09.2021 17:00 wieder fehlerfrei nutzen.


The date has been like that for the whole time since Tuesday. Why is it so specific, was this planned?


I would expect Vodafone to contact me and offer a replacement when the problem is known to take days.

1 Antwort 1

Hello robinp,


welcome to the community 🙂


We are sorry for the current malfunction. We will be happy to take a look at your connection and the problem. Please send us the customer number, name incl. address and date of birth of the contract holder via private message.


Write here briefly when the data has been sent. Currently it takes a few days until we are back in the post 😞


Best regards Fred

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