Multiple internet disconnects every day (vodafone TG3442DE)



Our internet connection was working more or less ok-ish for the last 3 years but about 1 month ago we started to face internet disconnects every day multiple times per day. The only thing that helps is to swtich off and on the router, after that internet is there for some period of time. Also during the day when internet connection is working we still facing paket losts quite often which makes our usage of internet quite painful.

We were thinking that it was some temporary issue but after 1 month of struggling it didn't go away unfortunately.


Could you please help us to troubleshoot the issue?



7 Antworten 7

Hi @ARnikev,

I can gladly take a look at the connection. Can you send me your customer data (customer number, name, address and date of birth of the contract holder) via private message?

Then please let me know in the post when you have sent me the data.



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Thanks a lot for the help.


Hi @ARnikev,


i would like to send you a technician, there are multiple timeouts, frequencyswitches etc. , could you send me a mobile number where the technicians can reach you? Could you give acces to household systems etc? 🙂 What about covid, are you fine with that or did you got symptoms? You could send me for this a private message.





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Hi ARnikev,


can you please check with the property management where in the house the system is located and if our technician can get access there?




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Hi @Wallace !

Sure, I will contact them and will get back to you when I clarify this question with them.


Thank you.

Hi @Tobias @Wallace ,


I've finally managed to reach out my property manager and ask who would be able to let your technician in the building and knows where Vodafone equipment is located.

They told me that janitor service *** is responsible for that.

I wanted to ask you if it is possible for you to arrange an appointment with them without my participation?

The thing is that I've already tried to contact them but they don't speak any english and unfortunately my current level of German is not enough to explain the situation and what I want from them :).

Edit: personal data deleted


However, it is important that you are also present on that day. Do you then clarify this directly with the janitor.?

Best regards


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