01.10.2021 00:55 - bearbeitet 01.10.2021 01:00
Since 2 weeks ago I'm having some issues with my internet. It was okay for playing mmos, Adobe Connect classes and so on, but there was a big issue with the uploading speed, sometimes I liked to stream but there were intense delays, which before didn't happen at all and I didn't change anything.
I had 2play JUMP 150 before with the old Unitymedia white router.
But yesterday I got Vf CableMax1000 with a new VF box, and since then I'm having constant issues with my connection, I lose the internet signal multiple times in an hour and I can't follow my classes or work properly. When I think it got fixed and get into a game or watch something on Netflix, it starts disconnecting again, and all the lights are on and the router seems to be okay.
I called your hotline telling them this is happening since I swapped to the new router and the new Tarif and they told me it's because the line and router are still in setup mode after changing everything and that's normal.
Let's be honest, this is not normal, I never ever in all my years changing to new routers or better speed quality and such had these many problems. Even now while I'm writing this it disconnected 5 times for a few seconds and takes a while to come back. Please, I really don't want another reply of "yeah it's because everything is new", I can't nor work nor entertain myself like this. I didn't change to something better for getting even a worse service. I live in NRW 47803 and use LAN cable instead of WIFI.
am 02.10.2021 04:37
Is there a reason all other messages gets a reply but mine?
am 04.10.2021 11:21
Hi Limn
We always answer as quickly as we can, depending on the technology and the federal state, other moderators take care of it. Therefore, response times may vary.
Send me a PM:
full name
full address
date of birth
customer number
Please write here again as soon as the PM ist out.
Best regards
am 05.10.2021 22:10
Hello Ida,
Thanks for the reply, and thanks for explaining me why answers work like that.
I've just send you a pm with the info.