I'm Jerry, a postgraduate student in Berlin and living in a flat with other people now since the router is in my room, so I think I had the responsibility to fix the Internet problem.
The devices are still connected to our wi-fi, but the internet is unavailable. I found the power button flashes and it means the internet has been interrupted in the manual (WLAN light up which makes sense we still can connect to the wi-fi in my knowledge). I use the information on the sticker under the box and try to get more information.

I have more information like customer number, serien Nummer and CM MAC, but I don't know whether it is safe to show on the Internet since the contract is not with me (with our landlord company).
I tried unplugging the power and cable for 20 minutes and reconnected to it, but it failed.
I also tested the internet connection via LAN cable and a laptop, still doesn't work.
The only thing I can do is waiting for my landlord to communicate to Vodafone and make them send a technician to fix the internet problem?