28.11.2021 19:38 - bearbeitet 28.11.2021 19:47
Dear All,
for quite a long time I am expiriencing very slow upload 1-4 mbit, often is extremely slow 0.2-0.5 mbit. My kabel option is 1000/50 mbit. On the most lucky day I got 10mbit, but it was one time in last months.
Very often when I call support that internet is not stable they already say there is an issue in my area and will be solved.
With download I can easily get 600-900 mbit download, so my router and devices are not a problem.
I would appriciate if someone could help me as restarting the routers does not help. I guess that must be something with my area, but not sure how to pass this message to vodafone for real solve the problem, not just for temporary increase from 1 to 8mbit, as I should have 50mbit upload
thanks if someone could help and advice.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 25.02.2022 14:28
Thanks for quick reaction with technican. I just get information that my issue "ist erledigt". So it is not yet solved, as the technican was not able to find the problem. He was able to find out that the problem is coming from the cables from upstairs, so between the amplifier and my appartment. (amplifier/dispatcher is also upstairs)
Unfortunately he was not able to find all cables and amplifiers installed in my neighbour appartment. I understood that now the only way is to get plans for TV-Cables for this building from HausVerwaltung.
At least we are closer to the issue, as on the amplifier itself his device had 20-30mbits but at my apartment it was 1mbit.
I am not sure if you as Vodafone are able to request such TV-Cable plans or is it something what I need to deliver for next Technican appointment?
Please advise on next actions or steps to be done to solve it.
am 27.02.2022 11:17
short update:
I am not sure if the technican with just searching for issue fixed it or that is coinsidence. Since Friday my tests every 10 minutes are from 30-50 mbits. Lets see how the speed will be during the week. For now it looks good.
am 27.02.2022 16:31
Hello Maciej222,
does it still work?
If the technician has to come again, it is necessary that dsu contact the property management and ask for the plans.
Greetings Moni
am 01.03.2022 08:40
Hello Moni,
I think my happiness was to much, internet is back to 0-1mbit upload after 2 days. It happened on 01.03.2022 between 00:15 and 00:30. Till now internet is not really working.
I will organize the plans and contact you to schedule the technican visit.
Kind Regards,
am 01.03.2022 12:27
Hi Maciej222,
the massive timeouts continue. So we are waiting for your feedback that we can send a technician.
Kind regards
am 07.03.2022 12:51
Hello again.
I tried to get plans from building maintenance company, but they said the building is from 1972 and they do not have such plans of the TV-Cables.
They mentioned that as long as TV signal is working for all neighbours, they cannot help and said that you as service provider should be able to trace on cables and find the device that is not increasing upload signal.
As the whole infrastructure is very old they suggested that you might consider replacing or placing new cables.
Kind Regards,
am 07.03.2022 14:04
Hi Maciej222,
there is an appointment with the technician for 10.03.
Please keep us informed!
Kind regards
17.03.2022 07:42 - bearbeitet 17.03.2022 07:43
I write just to give you feedback after the technican visit.
He was not able to find the root cause for the signal interruption. However he found out that only one channel in my router is being interrupted. He called Vodafone hotline and asked to switch off OFDMA for my upload stream.
It is maybe not the best solution but it is working. I hope that will work now permanently. For last 6 days I did not observed any problems.
Last questions:
if I switch now router to Bridge Mode, the settings for the OFDMA channel will stay the same or I might have same issue again ?
am 18.03.2022 08:31
Hi Maciej222,
the OFDMA does not work perfectly in some cases When it is working for you, it is the best solution for the moment. It should stay disabled, when you activate the Bridgemode. If not, we can deactivate it again.
Kind regards
am 26.03.2022 21:12
Dear Vodafone,
I checked and since my last answer, the upload speed is in 90% above 30 mbits. I can say that finally we have a solution.
I will change the router mode into Bridge-mode and hope it will stay. I guess we are on a good way to close this ticket and problem.
Thank you so much for the support, and it is pitty that the whole story took almost 5 months to solve.