Extremly slow upload and unstable

Dear All,


for quite a long time I am expiriencing very slow upload 1-4 mbit, often is extremely slow 0.2-0.5 mbit. My kabel option is 1000/50 mbit. On the most lucky day I got 10mbit, but it was one time in last months. 

Very often when I call support that internet is not stable they already say there is an issue in my area and will be solved.
With download I can easily get 600-900 mbit download, so my router and devices are not a problem. 

I would appriciate if someone could help me as restarting the routers does not help. I guess that must be something with my area, but not sure how to pass this message to vodafone for real solve the problem, not just for temporary increase from 1 to 8mbit, as I should have 50mbit upload


thanks if someone could help and advice.


42 Antworten 42



today I have received the email that my issue was solved

part of email:

"Liebe(r) ***,

Ihr Auftrag **506/22 ist erledigt. Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld."


However as you can see in the attached file, after I restarted the router, the upload speed is still about 1-2 mbits. So the problem is not solved. Perhaps they found something but not the root cause of this issue.


If you have any impact on this technican company please let them know to keep searching for the issue and to validate the speed at my hause before they say that they solved it.

It is another time they are closing the ticket while it is not solved, than new technican is coming and story starts from begin, that is a circle!


what else can we do? please let me know if I can provide some more details.


1. can we assume that this cannot be fixed and you cancel my contract ? I am strugling with that since november last year, I really do not have power to test it daily and drive it for finalize. 

2. can you suspend payments for my contract until you confirm it is really working ? it is very hard for me to call each time telling whole story and get gutschrift for another month.

Kind Regards,



Community-Team: Removed personal details and ticket number

I attached the speed test


Hello Maciej222,


the return path looks good after the last ticket was closed so you should get a better upload than only 2 MBit/s. Do you get this little upload each time of the day now? Have you tried different WiFi and ethernet devices?


Kind regards,


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Dear @Claudia 

I was checking speed on 2 separate laptops and 2 iphones (over WiFi) and also from a computer (over LAN to the router).

There are not times where the speed is slower. It is slow whole time. I have wrote a script checking upload speed every 10 minutes. and last time when it was more than 10 mbits it was 05.02.2022 at 19:00, 14:40 and 14:00, all measurements before and after are between 1-4 mbits, but mostly 1-2mbits.

Before this date another time when upload was more than 10 mbits it was on 03.02.2022 at 22:20 and 22:30. so it was longest time about 20 minutes when the upload speed was 10-13 mbits.

So the device, wifi or ethernet and time of a day does not matter for me. it is whole time very slow. 

I cannot attach txt file, so I will post in the new answer, please delete it if need. that will be the measurements since last days every 10 min. in case that would help you (that is not over the vodafone official testspeed server, but when I do it over vodafone server manually the speeds are very the same, so script is over most famous speedtest.net portal)

the measurements as a text log. that is very long log, please delete it after you decide is not helpul anylonger.


*deleted the file 😉


Hi @Maciej222,


well, should we try a swap from that device? Maybe that could help / atleast we tried it then.





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Hello Tobias,


right, we have switched the device in January and did not helped really. The technician was connecting his diagnostic device directly in the basemend to the main dose and speed was slow. Not sure if they checked afterwards. 
would be possible to build up some extensions or signal increase device?

It is maybe funny or not linked, but after minister of health moved in to the next building as my neighbor the problems started. 
please let me know if you can do something or what would be the solution for this case. 
just for you to know, please note that with 0,5mbit upload, doing iPhone backup in the cloud is like infinity 😞 



Hello Maciej222,


the net still looks good so far. Can you find out if your neighbours have the same problems with the Upload speed? What's strange is that your router is the only one in the building that shows now signal data. Perhaps there is a fault somewhere on the line between the house installation and your access. We can send another technician to check this, do you agree with that?


Kind regards,


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Yes, please send the technican. It is hard, even now the upload is 0,1mbits. I need few tries to post to the forum. the network is horrible today.

Please setup any time for technicana and I will change if need.

I have checked with neighbours and they have DSL, I did not found one who has Cable.



Hello Maciej222,


We have commissioned the colleagues. They will contact you by phone and arrange an appointment.


Regards Fred

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