28.11.2021 19:38 - bearbeitet 28.11.2021 19:47
Dear All,
for quite a long time I am expiriencing very slow upload 1-4 mbit, often is extremely slow 0.2-0.5 mbit. My kabel option is 1000/50 mbit. On the most lucky day I got 10mbit, but it was one time in last months.
Very often when I call support that internet is not stable they already say there is an issue in my area and will be solved.
With download I can easily get 600-900 mbit download, so my router and devices are not a problem.
I would appriciate if someone could help me as restarting the routers does not help. I guess that must be something with my area, but not sure how to pass this message to vodafone for real solve the problem, not just for temporary increase from 1 to 8mbit, as I should have 50mbit upload
thanks if someone could help and advice.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 28.03.2022 13:36
Hey @Maciej222,
thanks for your feedback, thankfully it works now! 🙂 Im gonna close this thread then, if you got another problem just create a new thread.
am 28.08.2022 11:28
Hi again after few months.
I got new router and the OFDMA for Upload is on again. Since 2 days I am calling support and I hear that:
* they cannot turn it off, I cannot access your router
* they will send me technician, or
* they will turn it off and it should happen in 30 minutes. (but even after 1h nothing changed, also after restart)
Could you please help me to turn it off ?
In the working configuration I had following upload channels: (details in attached file)
1 SC-QAM 51.0 64-qam 47.5/107.5 Erfolgreich
2 SC-QAM 44.6 64-qam 47.5/107.5 Erfolgreich
3 SC-QAM 37.2 64-qam 47.5/107.5 Erfolgreich
0 /60
Now with new router I have following channels:
9 OFDMA 29.8~64.8 16_QAM 45/105 Erfolgreich
2 SC-QAM 45 64QAM 49/109 Erfolgreich
4 SC-QAM 31 64QAM 49/109 Fehler
3 SC-QAM 37 64QAM 49/109 Erfolgreich
1 SC-QAM 51 64QAM 49/109 Erfolgreich
so basically the ID 9 and 4 can be cleaned up. Now also some frequencies are different, but not sure if that could be a problem. perhaps after turning off OFDMA the other will adjust like before.
am 29.08.2022 15:17
Hello Maciej222,
deactivation does not solve the problem and the technician is the better choice here.
With every power failure or other interruption of the line, it comes back.