




{ENG} Everyday Internet Working Slow from 19 pm - 24 pm - Since Installation
  • Welchen Vertrag hast Du? ( Internet + Telefon 1000 )
  • Welches Modem/ Router nutzt Du? ( Vodafone Station )
  • Nutzt Du ein Leih-Gerät von uns oder hast Du ein eigenes Gerät? -
  • Welcher Fehler tritt auf? Internet not usable from 19.30pm until midnight 

Ping Test.JPG

Ping test 2.JPG

  • Wie ist Dein Endgerät mit dem Modem verbunden?: (LAN)
  • Welchen Browser verwendest Du normalerweise?: (Google Chrome)
  • Welches Betriebssystem hast Du auf Deinem Rechner? (Windows)
  • Beginn und Zeitraum der Störung : (since day 1 ( November 2020 ) )
  • In welchem Bundesland wohnst Du? : Berlin 

Dear Vodafone Community,


I was kinda hyped to get the vodafone gigabit and enjoy the possibility to Watch high quality videos online, be able to stream gaming sessions, however i don't have the possibility to do so when i am not working since day1.


In order to watch a film i need to wait midnight, or watch it at 144p like good old times when you could not recognise if that pixeled object is a horse or naomi campbell


I am alone, no other devices are connected, not downloading during streaming / gaming, always via LAN. 

For instance League of Legends is almost unplayable, and is a platform that runs perfectly even with my 5euros x month, cheapest low quality telefon lte contract i found ( with 1000 gigabit LAN vodafone ~150 ping; with xxx HOTSPOT cheap company LTE ~55 ping ) and it's not due to packet loss, but to unstable quality of the line + very low upload levels ( 1 mb is ridicolous ) 


I am obv not happy to pay 50euros ( + 18euros that KEDING GmbH forced me to pay in order to enable vodafone to somministrate internet throught their cabling, an added cost that was not written in the initial agreement ). With 68 euroes i would like to connect myself whenever i want and be able to enjoy the service i am paying for. 


Please let me know if you need further infos, meanwhile i will try to post additional speed tests meanwhile this post gets pickd up by one of the moderators. 


I would really like to remain a vodafone customer, no matter if pricey, the service is amazing when it works properly. 


Liebe Gr. 





14 Antworten 14

Hello TiredAccountant,


the ticket ***459/21 is not closed, the colleagues are still working on the net expansion. Unfortunately it seems that this will still take some time, I will send you a private message.


Kind regards,


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Hi Claudia, nothing changed since the topic has been made. Sometimes is even worst, I can't work properly. How much time do I have to wait still ? Because the payments are taken in a timely manner though. I am sorry to say that I ran out of patience; you mods are great and helpful, nothing against you. 




unfortunately, there have been delays in the current expansion and as a result the completion has been postponed to 2023. I can gladly give you a credit again for 6 months. Is that okay?




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Hi Wallace, 


thanks for the quick reply.


yes please.





Hello TiredAccountant,


I have set up the credit for the 6 months. This will then be offset.


Many greetings


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