Cable Contract

I have ordered a new Vodafone Cablemax 1000 (Unitymedia). I configured it at home but there is no internet. The Vodafone team should change my current contract to Cablemax. Could you please help me with this subject? I could contact you. 


@ShahinRashidbay: Post moved to the appropriate board 

3 Antworten 3

So did you order a new line - meaning a completely new secondary line


did you order a speed change?

I already have a Vodafone Gigacube. But it is limited that's why I changed it to Vodafone Cable max 1000. I talked with Vodafone-service on phone a few days ago. Vodafone told me that as soon as I get my new router and I configure it, it will be active. But I configured it and there is no internet yet. Could you check it and inform me about the process? I am also stating mail which I got from Vodafone-service below.

"Ihre gewünschte Bestellung fürs Vodafone CableMax 1000( UnityMedia) habe ich wunschgemäß veranlasst.
Ihre Konditionen:

- 1000 Mbit/s beim Downloade
- Unbegrenzt Datenvolumen
- Telefonie gratis in das deutsche Festnetze

Sie bezahlen den Basispreis vom 39,99 Euro pro Monat.

14 Tagen nach dem der Vertrag angeschlossen worden ist, geben Sie uns bitte Bescheid, um den Vertrag GigaCube mit der Rufnummer *** auf den Tarif GigaCube Flex ohne Basispreis umstellen. Dafür wird 78,90 Euro einmalig belastet. "


@ ShahinRashidbay: Private data deleted.


Hello ShahinRashidbay,


I'd be happy to take a look at it.

Can you please send me a PN with the following information:


Customer number

Name of the contract holder

Date of birth

Street + house number

postcode + city



Many greetings,


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