am 05.05.2022 11:14
I have an issue that looks like DNS or other configuration problems caused by the operator modem update. Some services work like youtube but most don't and most web pages cannot be loaded.
I have CH7465LG-LC device ( that is at that label). In the past when logged in, there was Unitymedia Interface. Now it is a new Vodafone interface so probably the router has been updated by Vodafone. Now I can see at the device name on the login page is a bit different compared to the label - I can see CH7465VF. So probably new VF (Vodafone) system version had been loaded. and after that, I have experienced these issues.
I have reported this via WhatsApp to Vodafone. Would be grateful for any other suggestions. Changing DNS at my laptop doesn't help., neither reboot.
Another strange behavior is with the front LED. All LEDs are constantly on and green while before they were flashing only during the restarting and idle during normal operation.
am 05.05.2022 17:43
Hi @GregK,
I can gladly take a look at the connection. Can you send me your customer data (customer number, name, address and date of birth of the contract holder) via private message?
Then please let me know in the post when you have sent me the data.
05.05.2022 20:13 - bearbeitet 05.05.2022 20:15
Hi @Tobias . I have sent a private message.
am 06.05.2022 19:52
am 07.05.2022 10:05
Hello GregK,
The LEDs on your Connect Box are lit continuously? No need to worry.
Our new firmware update has this small side effect. We are working on it so that your box does not continue to glow permanently.
am 07.05.2022 14:07
Thanks. But LED glowing is not a problem at all. If that is side effect that is OK. Still the problem is Interenet connection. Some serveces works fine like youtube but most doesn't and I cannot use email , Teams and open most of the web pages. So it is not completaly broaken but I can't use in in reality. Any sugestions?
It looks like new firmware is blocking most of the Internet services.
am 07.05.2022 15:31
Hi GregK,
you're correct. I just checked your connection line and it doesn't look so good.
I opened a trouble ticket so our IT can check it and find a solution.
If they can't fix it, there will be a technician service at your home. Before coming, they will inform you with a date.
Till then, please have a little bit more patience.
Best regards
am 08.05.2022 21:40
Thanks for your help. It is good to know that the ticket is opened and that IT department is working on that..
am 10.05.2022 08:10
Hi GregK,
Have you already received feedback from my colleagues or the technicians?
Kind regards
am 10.05.2022 09:19
Hi @R4mona
I have got infirmation like below on 7th of May.
"die Behebung Ihrer Störung dauert leider länger als erwartet. Sobald uns Neuigkeiten vorliegen, informieren wir Sie umgehend. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis."
But today Internet seems to be working fine. I am not sure if that is a permanent improvement or just temporary result of the work in progress 🙂