Problem with box activation


Last Friday a technician was supposed to come to my place to activate my box, 
nobody showed up, I assumed the activation was made remotly as I didn't get any information.
Scince it look like my box is not correctly activated, only a few website are working mostly google websistes.
The DSL led is on and the WLAN is also on. I tried changing the DNS but it didn't change anything.
I tried reseting the box to factory setting but it did'nt change anything.
I did another post here, and tow moderator asked me to send information and never replied nor give an update on my problem.
I don't speak german nor have a german phone number so the hotline can't help.

Can someone help here ?

Thibault Tricard

2 Antworten 2

Hi ThibaultTricard,


I see we replied to you yesterday via PN. 🙂


When there is a lot going on, a reply can simply take a while.


We will get back to you as soon as possible.


But I'm going to close up here now.  Please only ever post a request in a public post.


Best regards



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Hi Thibault Tricard,


I am having this exact same problem! DSL and WLAN light solid green. Technician said he activated the connection remotely on the 15th. I have also tried what you did and had no luck. 

I also dont speak German so the hotline is not an option for me.


Can you let me know what you did to fix this? The moderators may not be providing direct support on this forum anymore 😞 


