Port 44158 Opening/Forwarding

Dear Team,


I got a helium miner and in order for it to work effectively, I need to open/activate port 44158. The miner is connected directly via cable (LAN) to my Vodafone router, I tried logging into my router settings via => Internet =>IPv6 host exposure => then I added the port as shown in the picture below


I ran port diagnostics via "yougetsignal.com" and it still shows me that the port is closed.

I tried restarting the router by unplugging it from the power source and everything is completely gone.


Can you please help me activate/open this port.


Thanks in advance



Screenshot 2022-04-13 010711.png

4 Antworten 4

In short: You won't be able ports on IPv4 protocol level because your system uses an IPv6-only connection.

And the other thing is that websites like the mentioned one check if there is a program running and listening on that port - and as such websites rely solely on the IP address of your browser, they won't work with IPv6 connections.


Hello shiko0oz,

if your connection is connected via IPv6 with a DS-lite tunnel, like all new private customer connections, there is no port forwarding. Then you can only create IPv6 shares.


Best regards



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Thanks for your answer, is there any way around it that would allow me to open this port? 

No, your contract only contains DualStack-Lite operation and such does not allow external IPv4 port forwards.