Help with DSL issues after 15th of Dec

Hi All, 


Hope some one speaks english and can Help me. 

I recevied a letter that my Internet DSL will be transferred and I should not have to do anything (at least that is what I make of the letter), however, the router has now lost connection with DSL since the 15th. I followed the help links, reset the router to factory settings, and tried to install it again with the Modem Installation Code. However it fails because there is no DSL.


It has been working flawless for the last 6 years and I haven't touched a thing. Cables and such are the same as they were when it worked last week.


I am still using a FritzBox modem. I found out a new modem was send, but I am not here in Leipzig that often so it was send back to Vodafone.


Would there be any contact to help me out here? would really appreciate to get the Internet back in my appartment.   

1 Antwort 1

There are two possibilities:

a) Your contract was transferred from older DSL technology (ADSL + ISDN oder ADSL + analog phone) to newer DSL technology (VDSL with VoIP). In that case, it depends on the FritzBox you are using if it supports the new technology. In case it doesn't, you will also need to replace it.


b) You were switched to a Cable contract - in that case, you'd need a completely new router that will be connected to the cable TV outlet (antenna outlet) instead of the phone outlet. As your DSL FritzBox isn't capable of the TV network signal, you will definitely need a new box.


So it really depends on the content of the letter what you are supposed to do. And you will need to call Vodafone (in German(!)) to ask them to re-send the router to you. In general it would be good if there would be somebody taking care of your post inbox at that address - you might receive relevant mail there that contains critical deadlines beginning to run at the moment the mail is delivered - not at the moment you are emptying the inbox...