CallYa - Possible order mistake?


I am sorry if this topic is not fit for this sub-forum. Unfortunately, my German is very poor, and it is hard to orient myself!


My problem is that I fear that I have just ordered “two” prepaid CallYa SIM cards.

I know this might be silly, but the first time I registered with a wrong email address, to which I have no access, and apparently the registration and the identification went through.

Then, I registered again with the correct email address, with the registration and identification also going through.


Assuming that I will actually receive two SIMs, will they be already active? Namely, will I need to pay two subscriptions?
Alternatively, is there any way to solve this? (In particular, with an English customer service?)


Thanks a lot! 

1 Antwort 1

Our customer support team will be happy to take a look.

We need personal information from you for this.


Please contact us via one of the following channels:


WhatsApp chat under the phone number 0172 1217212

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