Problem with the invoice

Dear Sir/Madam,
I recently signed up for a mobile plan (Kunden-Nr. ***) in the Vodafone store at 83607 Holzkirchen. I was told that as I am already a Broadband subscriber (Kunden-Nr. ***) and I am switching from mobilcom-debitel to vodafone, I will be waived off the mobile bill for first 6 months. Yet, last month I recieved an invoice for more than 100 EUR.

When I reached out to the Vodafone store at Marienplatz, I no longer live in my old address. They said me the store in Holzkirchen screwed up and created two different Kunden nos. for me and my Kabel Vertrage & Mobilfunk Vertrag weren't connected. They said I should put it in the forum so my two Kunden Nos. can be consolidated to one and the bills waived off for the fiest 6 months. I have attached my invoices for your reference.

Please help!!


*** @Arasan, delete personal data and attachment. Please don't publish personal data in a public forum! ***

1 Antwort 1

Hey Arasan,

your dsl & cable contract will always have two different customernumbers.
You are eligible for the waived tariff fees if you've booked the mobile contract / gigakombi.
As long as you provide us with the cancellation confirmation from your old provider.

I'll have a look into this.

Please send me a private message with your cablecustomernumber, mobilenumber + password.
If possible attach a picture of your cancellation with mobilcom, so that i see the excact date.

To send me a private message, please click on my name/avatar _> then the big red button on the right side.


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