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Paying extra for the mobile after the 24 month

Dear All,


I have a contract with Vodafone since 2018, and in May 2020 I extended it for 24 month and I added a mobile phone. Then in Sept. 2021, I agreed to extend the contract to 2023 (for 2 years).

My reciepts are shown that I am paying monthly for "Vodafone Red 2020 XS mit Premium Smartphone"

Now after 24 months from getting the mobile phone (May 2020 --> May 2022), I am still paying for the smart phone, I expected to be only paying for the RED XS.


When I called the customer service, they told me we can change the Tarif for you and remove the smart phone portion but I will need to extend the contract as well, and I don't want to do the extension.


So what should I do here, I don't want the extension, and at the same time it's not making any sense to pay for something I don't get.


Any Clues?


Thanks a lot,



2 Antworten 2

There's no way to downgrade the contract to SIM-only without extending it.


If you don't want an extension, you can cancel your contract monthly after the 24 months have expired and switch to Vodafone Callya Prepaid without a new Smartphone. Your phone number will remain the same. There is always the possibility to switch from Callya to a fixed-term contract.