




How to change to student plan with same mobile number as before

Hello, I'm currently part of Vodafone's CallYa/Prepaid monthly plan (physical SIM) which recharges near the end of every month if my account has enough credit. I want to change this to a student plan being offered by Vodafone (the Gigamobil Young-Tarife, if I'm not wrong) without changing my present mobile number. Is it possible? And if so, I would like to know all the documents that may be needed to verify that I'm indeed a student/under the age limit to be eligible for this plan.


Assistance is appreciated!

Deutsche Version unten:


Hallo, ich habe derzeit einen CallYa/Prepaid-Monatstarif von Vodafone (physische SIM-Karte), der gegen Ende jedes Monats aufgeladen wird, wenn mein Konto genügend Guthaben hat. Ich möchte auf einen von Vodafone angebotenen Studententarif (wenn ich mich nicht irre, den Gigamobil Young-Tarif) umsteigen, ohne meine aktuelle Handynummer zu ändern. Ist das möglich? Und wenn ja, würde ich gerne alle Dokumente wissen, die möglicherweise erforderlich sind, um zu bestätigen, dass ich tatsächlich Student bin/unter der Altersgrenze für diesen Tarif bin.


Ich bin für Ihre Hilfe dankbar!

2 Antworten 2

Hi @Utkarsh21,


You can change from CallYa into a postpaid contract via this described way.

Then you will keep your mobile phone number and you also get the benefits as a new customer. 


Proofing to get the GigaMobil Young tariff is your ID card. You can subscribe this tariff until 28 years. 

Hello, are there different requirements for international students? This is because I walked into a Vodafone store recently and they asked for things like proof of a German bank account and a Residence permit, though I haven't been able to find these requirements on the website.


Your help is appreciated