Moving abroad

Hello, I move out from Germany with my sister on December 15th, 2023, in 2 weeks exactly, we already made the deregistration and I want to finish the contract, she have only mobile contract and I have mobile and phone contract, we want to cancel it because we don't leave here anymore, we move permanently to out origin country, the thing is, I want to keep the device and I'm ready to pay the difference for the remaining time, I don't want to return it, how we gonna do it, I can also send the evidence with the unsubscribe. Thank you and I hope it will be resolved quickly. 

5 Antworten 5

Sorry for tag, but i am in rush and i want to know how i gonna do it.





Hello @valentini,



please contact our customer service via these contact channels.

My friends will help.


BR J0hann 

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Thank you for responding, i tried to call on all number and i wait also for english operator 14 minutes in hold and when the operator respond he said he dont speak english, another women yell to me saying Ich kanne sprachen ENGLISH and she close the phone... how i can get in touch with somebody who can understand me in English, or atleast to speak somehow with emails.

Please contact us via one of the following channels:

WhatsApp chat under the telephone number 0172 1217212
Facebook service page at
Twitter service page at

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Support in English is available via the Twitter/X or Facebook contacts.