
Good morning, first I need to say that is a pity that a service like Vodafone doesn’t have ANY help in English, really bad.

Here are my problems:

1. I’ ve received the Vodafone device at home 4 days ago. Now it still doesn’t work (the light of “internet” keep on flashing.)

2. The only 2 people that were speaking English made me “sign” some new documents and now I don’t understand anything anymore about what I pay and for what.

3. Apparently a new device is going to be delivered to my old apartment in another city. One of the guy at the phone told me that he would have send another SIM card for the Vodafone device… does it really make sense?


SORRY GUYS I AM REALLY CONFUSED , I really need your help.

1 Antwort 1

Hi @Lucam96,


Can you tell us what kind of tariff you're using? 

Mobile phone contract or internet via cable or DSL?


You wrote about a SIM card for your device (what device?), so I'm confused a little bit.