am 02.09.2021 20:17
Hello vodafone community and moderators.
I would like to get a new mobile phone number.
My existing one has too much of a mix of my business & personal contacts - it has become too difficult to keep on top of.
Is there an easy way to simply issue a new number?
Many thanks,
am 02.09.2021 22:53
You can have the number exchanged via customer service. That costs you a one-time fee of 15 €. Either you contact the hotline (in German), the social media support on Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp or wait until a mod reports here.
Die Nummer kannst du über den Kundenservice tauschen lassen. Das kostet dich einmalig 15 €. Entweder wendest du dich an die Hotline (in Deutsch), den Social Media Support bei Facebook, Twitter oder WhatsApp oder wartest, bis sich hier ein:e Mod meldet.