am 24.12.2020 12:30
Hi Vodafone,
My speed is too slow, that it takes ages to download games..
I have kabel connection 500Mbit, but I recive avrage 50 via wifi and 90 via lan
I recived a new router from you recently after my late one died.
your speedtest webservice says I recieve the full speed from infrastrcuture to my house, but it is decrease dramaticly after passing my router.
please check the image below..
I tried to follow your tips and restart my router and check my connection, but no good.
I want to stress that this is not my first issue with vodafone.
I also want to remark that you have a great customer service,
I wish your internet service was as half good as customer service, you would be the best ever !
have a nice Christmas,
am 01.03.2021 15:05
Hello, thanks for sending the technician, I hope you received report from him.
In case you didn't, let me sum things up:
While he didn't find a problem with the infrastructure, he didn't solve my problem.
Disconnections have been interrupting my work/streaming/surfing/gaming experiences at random times.
Technician recommendation is to use lan instead of wan, which is inconvenient.
It is obvious that Wifi 5 ghz is broken on my router.
What can you do about it?
Kind regards.
am 03.03.2021 08:52
Hello anasmatic,
the router was already replaced in November. The WiFi signal can be disturbed by many influences, did you check the ethernet connection? Are there disconnects as well? If yes, when was the last one?
am 03.03.2021 16:39
No I haven't use the ethernet -ever-.
I can't test that as it's inconvenient (router place, and short lan cable)
Only the 5ghz wifi hiccups 2.4 is seamless.
What factors affect wifi ? I can try to eliminate them.
am 04.03.2021 17:55
I reset the WiFi. Can you please see if it helped?
am 19.05.2021 14:58
am 20.05.2021 08:50
Hello anasmatic,
when exactly was the last outage? The 2.4 GHz WLAN works?
Greetings Moni