fristlos außerordentlich küdingung

Da seit mehreren Monaten habe ich weder die Dienstleistung erhalten, für die ich bezahlt habe, noch eine Mitteilung, wann das Problem gelöst sein wird. Ich bitte nun um die Information, an wen ich meinen Antrag auf eine außenordentliche Kündigung richten kann.

Ich habe mein Bestes getan, um den entsetzlichen Service von Vodafone zu akzeptieren, aber jetzt ist es nicht mehr möglich.

Vodafone kostet mich Zeit und Geld durch Unterbrechungen in meinem Arbeits- und Privatleben.

Nach dem Telekommunikationsgesetz habe ich das Recht auf schnelles Internet, und es ist mir klar, dass Vodafone dies nicht bieten kann. Daher erwarte ich, dass mein Vertrag bis zur Monatstende gekündigt wird.




10 Antworten 10

Diese Fragen kann und darf dir nur ein Anwalt beantworten.


Sorry who are you?

A member of vodafones community team?

Recommending I take legal action against the company is generally ill advised.


So we're clear this is what it looks like when I try to upload14072022_2ndpicture.PNG

Störung melden. Die Frage wer reneromann ist, ist Fehl am Platze.

Nur zu, renne zu deinem Anwalt

Userban wg. wiederholter Missachtung der Forenregeln. Gruß, das Mod-Team

Soweit ich weiss, nein.

Ich weiss ja nicht, was du bisher unternommen hast und um was es eigentlich geht.

Ich würde mich schriftlich per Einschreiben an "Beschwerde" wenden.

Die Adresse findest du z.B. auf einer Rechnung.

Wenn die Mindestvertragslaufzeit abgelaufen ist, kannst du dir das auch schenken und ganz normal kündigen.


How about if you don't know the story you don't get involved. Your toxic behaviour and comments are unwelcome.

Störung melden funktioniert nie. Seit Weihnachten hat es nichts gebracht.

I will go to a lawyer, and I will show them this, as you appear to be representing Vodafone.

@nah  schrieb:

Sorry who are you?

A member of vodafones community team?

I am not working for Vodafone - I am just a customer like you are.


@nah  schrieb:

Recommending I take legal action against the company is generally ill advised.

Have I written anything about taking legal action? No.

I have just written that your questions can only be adressed by a lawyer - because only he/she is allowed to give you legal advice on how to proceed. Any other people writing here in this community forum are -by law- not allowed to give you binding legal advice.


@nah  schrieb:
How about if you don't know the story you don't get involved. Your toxic behaviour and comments are unwelcome.

You have to keep in mind that you are writing in a public community forum - nobody is allowed to give you binding legal advice. So if you need such binding legal advice on how to proceed with a premature cancellation request, then only a lawyer is the person to ask. Everyone else cannot help you.


And by the way: Your last thread is still open - so why do you create a new one on the same issue instead of just following up with the old one?


@nah  schrieb:

I will go to a lawyer, and I will show them this, as you appear to be representing Vodafone.

Nobody in this thread is representing or trying to represent Vodafone. Feel free to show this thread to your lawyer, but be prepared that he'll tell you exactly the same.


And even in this forum, there's only the Moderators that are representatives working for Vodafone - nobody else is. But this forum still is NOT a place for any legally binding action in regard to your contracts against Vodafone. Legally binding action has to be taken using the official contact ways - and this forum is NOT one of that ways.



@reneromann  schrieb:

Legally binding action has to be taken using the official contact ways

All good and well my friend but the request was for where I can commit this information, not who can advise me on a course of action. If you had read my statement properly you would have known that.


@nah  schrieb:
Ich bitte nun um die Information, an wen ich meinen Antrag auf eine außenordentliche Kündigung richten kann.


I started a new thread because that seems to be exactly how it is with this company, my reports get closed after a week without Vodafone doing anything about it.

@nah  schrieb:

I started a new thread because that seems to be exactly how it is with this company, my reports get closed after a week without Vodafone doing anything about it.

Is this really acceptable? – Seite 2 - Vodafone Community