




Vodafone contract cancelled and returned the device to Vodafone

DSL - Cable - I have cancelled my contract and returned the device to the vodafone and I still received invoice for the month of November.

So please request you to check this for me...

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hello Lars,

Yes, I have received the device and can close the thread.

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17 Antworten 17

Hey DilipKumar,

sorry to hear that you've cancelled your contract.

Could you upload a picture of your current invoice (without posting personal information like your name/adress).

To what date have you cancelled your dsl contract?
Depending on the billing cycle it may be perfectly normal for a partial final invoice.
For excample if you get your invoice for the 10th-11th every month. If you've cancelled the contract for example on the 25th october. You will recieve a final invoice for the time from the 12th - 25th.


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I have uploaded the current invoice for the month of November.


Edit: @DilipKumar moved from DSL to cable board. In addition, the invoice has been removed for data protection reasons, please do not post any personal data publicly.

Your contract has a term until February 12th, 2023, so you cannot terminate the contract too immediately. The calculation is also correct until the end of the term and you have to pay. The fact that you have already sent the cable router back does not exempt you from doing so.

Hello Vodafone Team,

In this case, I would like to get back my vodafone DSL device back to me and I can use as secondary device at my home until my actual contract ends.

Please let me know how can I get back my device and the connection at my new place ..

You don't have a DSL connection, but an Internet connection via a TV cable.

Ok whatever Internet connection via a TV cable , Is it possible to get back my device or not?If yes what is the procedure?

Contact Vodafone's social media support on Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp or call the hotline. On the hotline, however, you will only receive help in German.




You can also send us a PN here.


We will then take a look at what we have already received back and get back to you.


Please send me the following data of the contracting party:


- the customer number

- the first and last name

- the complete address

- the date of birth


Best regards,


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Hi Sandra,


Please find the following  information : 


- the customer number  - ***

- the first and last name - Kommanamanchi Dilip Kumar

- the complete address 

My  Connection address : ***, 13187,Berlin

My Current living address : ***, 13505, Berlin

- the date of birth - ***


Best Regards,

Dilip Kumar Kommanamanchi


Edit: @DilipKumar Personal data removed for data protection. Please sent them as PM to @Sandra-K . For this click here.