Ownership Transfer


I am relocating to an another flat in saarbrucken. I would like to transfer the cable contract ownership from my name to my flatmate. Account personal details, bank details has to be transferred on her name. Please let me know the process of transferring the ownership. 

Kundennummer: XXXXXXXX



Vignesh Kumar R 


Edit: @Ownership_Trans Customer number removed. Please do not post personal information publicly. Kurtler

25 Antworten 25

Hello Vignesh,


the contract has to move with you, because a transfer of contract is only valid for cable contracts in case of death. If you move, then you take the contract with you, if you can continue to be supplied at the new address. If this is not possible, the contract will be terminated according to the Telecommunications Act.




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Hello Grit,


I have moved out of that place and the new place already has vodafone connection. My other flat members ( from old flat ) need internet and they are ready to take it on their name.

Why there is no provision in vodafone to change the ownership ?

what if one person moves out of germany ? 


I have seen in some forum that there is an option to change the ownership, by filling few forms.

FYR : https://forum.vodafone.de/t5/Archiv-Internet-Telefon-TV-%C3%BCber/Transfer-of-DSL-Contract-from-one-...


Please check and provide me a positive feedback.  Thanks in advance. 



Vignesh Kumar R



Hello Vignesh,


it makes a difference whether you have cable or DSL. Cable contracts cannot be transferred to someone else when you move. The linked thread is about DSL. For people who move away from Germany it's the same as for those who don't have cable available.


Is the cable contract still possible at the new address? The contract that already exists at the new address is with Vodafone (DSL or cable)? The answer to these questions is decisive for further action.




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Hello Grit,


Thanks for the response. 

Currently I am living in Wohngemeinschaft ( Flat Sharing ) which already has vodafone internet connection, so i cannot move my current contract to the new flat. 


Is it possible atleast to change the bank details to my ex-flat mate ?

The contract can be in my name, 

but the money can be debited from their account. 


Thank you.



Vignesh Kumar R






if a Vodafone contract can be proven to exist at the new address, we can also terminate the contract in accordance with the Telecommunications Act (move + 3 months).


You can change the bank details in your customer portal.




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Hello Grit,


Thank you. I have 2 questions now.

1. if a Vodafone contract can be found at the new address, we can also terminate the contract in accordance with the Telecommunications Act (move + 3 months). 

Do i need to pay for contract termination ? and what is the procedure for contract termination ? 


2. You can change the bank details in your customer portal.

I cannot change the account owner name in customer portal.  It allows to change only bank account number.

I need to map the account with different bank account number and the owner of the account is not me ( it is my ex-flat mate who takes contract on her name )


Kindly provide us a solution. 



Vignesh Kumar R. 



Hello Vignesh,


First to point 2:

We are not allowed to enter the bank account if it is another person's and not yours. It is also not enough to just change the bank account, because you are still responsible for it, as you are still the contract holder. So if anything should happen, you are in the obligation.


To point 1:

Yes, if the contract is with Vodafone, which we check with the customer data, then we can terminate your contract according to the Telecommunications Act. That's why this is the better alternative for you. It also costs nothing, except of course the 3 further months.


Now you have to decide what you want to do. With point 1 (the notice after the telecommunications law) i am gladly helpful to you. Let me know how you decide, I will tell you what data I need from you.




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Hello Grit,


Thank you very much. I will discuss with my ex flat mates once and i will inform you regarding the termination of contract.  I will provide an update in 3 days. 



Vignesh Kumar R

Hello Grit,


Thank you very much. I will discuss with my ex flat mates once and i will inform you about the termination of contract. I give you an update in 3 days. 



Vignesh Kumar R