Multiple Rückwegstörungen in last few months

Since Monday, March 14 I have had no internet in the flat because of a Rückwegstörung. Normally I would consider this a one time problem, but I have had issues with internet conisistently over the past few months. The last major outage was in December, when I had no internet from December 8 to December 12 due to a Rückwegstörung, but I have had instances where for a few hours I had no internet, and didn't register a ticket because I try to wait a day before doing so. I'm now wondering, is this a problem with my router? Does it need to get replaced? My internet had been very consistent in the first year, I had no issues until the last few months.

5 Antworten 5

Hi klu93,


Welcome to our community.


I like to see where the mistake lies. Send me your customer data (name, address, customer number, birthday, current phone number) in a private message and then let me know that you have submitted the data.


VG Wallace

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Just sent you a PM thanks for responding!


Hello klu93,


I have just looked at this and can rule out your router as the cause of the error.


The technicians were already able to narrow down the interference signal to a specific line and are checking the objects connected to it.


The next appointments will take place tomorrow. If everything goes well, we may be able to eliminate the problem.


Best regards, Martin

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Unfortunately, it seems the problem still hasn't been solved. I still didn't have internet consistently on Monday, but then had consistent internet from Tuesday to Wednesday. Unfortunately today I just lost internet again. This is getting pretty frustrating. It's been a week and half where the issue has not been resolved, and it's especially annoying because I am paying for one of the pricier plans.


Hello klu93,


the last fault report regarding the return path disrupter was closed yesterday evening. Where there any longer outages after that?


Kind regards,


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