am 03.02.2022 23:26
I am a Vodafone Kabel customer since many years and I receive the TV and HD Premium from Vodafone on my Smartcard from SkyQ. Everything works perfectly fine since many years. Today I decided to order an additional smartcard for the Ci+Modul for my other TV. I entered the serial number of my Ci+Modul and it was clearly indicated that I do not need to pay additional money for this option I selected. However, I just received an email from Vodafone with a new contract:
19.99 euros (monthly?) for Vodafone TV Connect
49.99 euros additional fee
I really do not understand! I already pay for Vodafone Basic (3.99)+ Premium HD (9,99) each month. I really tought that having a second Smartcard was free of monthly charge. If it is the case that for this additional SmartCard I have to pay additionally 19.99 euros per month I would like to definitly cancel what I ordered today.
I really hope someone helps me here, as my german is not good enough for a phone call. Thank you so much!
am 14.02.2022 20:04
Hi Stephan,
Thank you for your help. Until now, I havent received anything.
am 18.02.2022 11:37
Hi kosti89,
the letter went out yesterday by mail. Have you received it?
Best regards
am 18.02.2022 22:01
Hi Lars,
Yes, I received it 🙂 Thank you very much for all your help!
am 19.02.2022 02:48
Thank you for your feedback signal. If the issue is now resolved, please choose the right answer for you, then we can close this thread. Thanks!