am 29.08.2022 14:33
Hello ,
firstly i want to apologise that i am speaking in English and not German , my knowlege of German it is not that great.
Around 3 weeks ago (08.08.2022) i made a contract for Kabel Internet through a call and everything went fine.
I got an E-Mail to confirm my E-Mail and also the option i chose ( Kabel Internet ). I was informed that i have to wait around 1 week because there is no "Festnetznummer" available in my zone and after one week i would be called by a Techniker . After 3 weeks of waiting i decided to call Vodafone Kundeservice , which did not went well , since i need Kundenummer to ask questions about my contract (the only ID i have is for "Vertragzusammenfassung"). I also tried to call the number on which i made my contract on "0800 724 26 31" but i either was told that i did not confirm the contract , which i did , or that i am not on their database . Now my question is , what should i do ?
am 30.08.2022 09:54
Hello Andrew5,
welcome to the community. Nice to have you here. 🙂
Had you confirmed the contract summary via link? Or had you only confirmed the entry of your email address?
My colleagues from Twitter and Facebook support will be happy to take a closer look. Please be so kind and get in touch with one of these channels.
Best Regards