




Internet light on my Vodafone station keeps blinking and never fixed

I am a new subscriber to Vodafone cable 1000 Mbps, I ordered the starter pack on June 17th, and after a while, I got the modem router (Vodafone station)
I followed the instructions on connecting this modem router, and I'm sure everything is fine now. But my internet light keeps blinking on red forever and doesn't turn to white or even fixed.
I tried to call, but the answering machine is only in Deutsch, and as I'm new in Germany. I can't speak Deutsch yet.

7 Antworten 7

It happens the same to me as well... is apparently impossible to get a technician that speaks english... I'm so upset...


Hi mosijava,


sorry that the start did not work out so well.


I'll be happy to look at it so we can find a solution.


Can you please let me know what state you live in?


Best regards, Martin

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Hello @Martin59 
Thank you for your answer.
I reside in Hamburg  22179


Hello mosijava,


then please send me the name of the contract holder, their date of birth, full address and customer number via PN .


Leave a short info here afterwards, then I'll take a closer look.


Best regards, Martin

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I followed all the instructions to set up my modem router, double-checked it, and everything was fine from my side. But when I power on the Vodafone Station, the internet light blinks in red for hours and is never fixed.
I can connect to the wireless, but it keeps saying: connected without internet!
It's essential for me to have the internet as soon as possible, so please, if you think you can send a technician to look at it tomorrow and make it work, it would be great.

I appreciate any help you can provide.


Hello mosijava,


Your message has arrived, thank you very much.


The cable router has not been able to connect to us yet.


Can you please send me a current mobile number, the info if you can access the house amplifier and if there are any signs of Covid-19? Please again via PN.


If so, I will arrange for a technician to come out and completely install your connection and bring it online.


Best regards, Martin  



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Thank you @Martin59 
I sent you the Info.