am 23.01.2021 22:07
I was offered a two years discount when I made my contracte with Vodafone. But now after one year, the monthly tariff has retuned to the original amount.
am 01.02.2021 20:20
Hi MhT,
which bandwith do you want to change? There are many options 500 Mbit for 49,99 Euro, 400 Mbit for 44,99 Euro, 200 Mbit for 39,99 Euro, 100 Mbit for 34,99 or 50 Mbit for 29,99 Euro.
am 01.02.2021 21:27
Hi Thomas,
50 Mbit for 29,99 Euro please. Since when is it applied?
am 04.02.2021 08:54
Hi MhT,
we now made the change for your. It will become effective today and you'll get a confirmation for that,
am 06.02.2021 12:43
Hi @Stephan,
I got the letter of effectiveness for the new tariff. Thanks,
I am now a bit confused. My current contract is supposed to be ended in December 2021, following to a letter of cancelation that I sent in the last November. But it seems that the letter of effective for new tariff says my contract continues for 12 months, and it means untill the Feburary 2022. When would be the end of my contract?
am 10.02.2021 09:10
Hi MhT,
that is already correct. The downgrade starts with the day of the changeover and from then on the 12 months begin. The downgrade should have taken place exactly at the end of the first 12 months, then the term would have remained at 24 months.
am 20.02.2021 14:47
@Thomas Okay. Then when would be the end of my contract? does it end automatically or it is has changed again to an open end contract?
am 20.02.2021 17:17
These kind of contracts never end automatically, you need to send a cancellation request latest 3 months before the minimum term ends. In your case it seems that the minimum term ends in Feb. 2022. If you do not request cancellation, than the contract would be extended by another 12 months. So be carefully and if needed ask for support in advance. If you miss the cancellation date, than you need to pay for another 12 months. So latest in October you should take care if you want to stop your contract.
am 22.02.2021 17:06
Hi MhT,
due to the last tariif change, you contract expires on 4 February 2022.
As I can see you didn't received an adjusted confirmation for that. I'll send you a new one.