Early termination of contract (moving abroad)



I am writing this post here in English because I am not that confident with German and I want to make sure to do everything correctly. 


At the end of June, I'm going to move back to my home country and I want to end my contract (Red Internet & Phone 50 Cable U). However, the minimum contract period is 24 months (in my case it means until September 2023). I've read about the possibility of early termination by notifying you 3 months in advance but I'm not sure whether it applies to my case and eventually how to notify. 


- How should I proceed? 

- If I have correctly understood the contract when it ends I have to send the router back to you. How does it work exactly? Can I send it to you even before the actual termination of the contract? 


Looking forward to hearing from you soon.




1 Akzeptierte Lösung

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Hi Stefano,

I think we have misunderstood each other a bit.

In the mail you have reported your move? As soon as this appears in the system of my colleagues, they enter the cancellation at the end of the minimum contract period.

Since you are moving abroad, you have to deregister at the Bürgeramt or Einwohnermeldeamt. Then you will receive your deregistration certificate. We need this by mail, because on this date your contract will be terminated.

I hope that this information is a bit more understandable. Smiley (fröhlich)

Kind regards

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3 Antworten 3

Hi Stefano,


welcome to our community. Nice to have you here. Smiley (fröhlich)


I have just taken a closer look at your request. Have you already reported your move to us? If yes, then your cancellation was entered at the end of the minimum contract period. You should have received a confirmation of this. As soon as we have received your cancellation certificate (please send it by mail), your contract will be terminated on the date stated on this certificate.


Best regards


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According to previous information that I found in the forum,  I sent an email to kundenservice@unitymedia.de  (since I live in NRW) asking to terminate my contract. Is it correct? 


Does it mean that I need to pay until September 2023 in order to terminate the contract? Is it not possible to eventually pay everything in advance and close the contract at the end of June before I move abroad?


Thank you.





Hi Stefano,

I think we have misunderstood each other a bit.

In the mail you have reported your move? As soon as this appears in the system of my colleagues, they enter the cancellation at the end of the minimum contract period.

Since you are moving abroad, you have to deregister at the Bürgeramt or Einwohnermeldeamt. Then you will receive your deregistration certificate. We need this by mail, because on this date your contract will be terminated.

I hope that this information is a bit more understandable. Smiley (fröhlich)

Kind regards

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