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I signed up for a cable connection using check24. I haven't moved to the apartment that am applying for internet connection too yet.


I keep getting the following email:


You have received a new letter from us - by post or email. You can now find a copy of this for the next 13 months at  vodafone.de/meinedokumente .


I tried creating a Vodafone account using the same email Vodafone is sending me the emails at but I can't access then. 


Is there a way to get a copy of these documents as the apartment am moving too still doesn't my name on the postbox yet 

3 Antworten 3

Hello Hasebou,


to be able to use everything in the customer portal, you need the order confirmation. You will find the required activation code in it. Unfortunately, you will have to wait for this letter.




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Can i get a copy of the order confirmation at an address different from the one Specified for the internet connection ? 


The address the letters are being sent too does not have my name on the mailbox yet so I am not sure how Will I get the letter


Hello Hasebou,


if the order has already been entered with us, I can see if I can send the confirmation by e-mail. Okay?


Send me your name, date of birth, address and the last 4 digits of your iban in a private message.


As soon as you have sent me your data, please contact me again briefly in your message.


Best regards


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