am 18.12.2022 10:02
Hi, sorry I don't speak German yet.
I just bought the online promo to get internet Cable for 250 megas with a price of 19.99 for the first 6 months. Promo clearly says I will NOT be charged 69.99 for installation and 9.99 for delivery and my payments will be MONTHLY.
I received a letter within my router saying I will be charged installation and delivery fees as and A YEARLY UPFRONT PAYMENT.
This makes no sense and feels like an absolute scam. Can someone help me clarify this? I try to contact Vodafone service but 1. They hang up the phone (super rude) and 2. The Bot only "works" IN German.
am 23.12.2022 09:29
Hello Fonx,
in the upper part of your picture there are three refunds (under "Gutschriften"). One for the installation fee, one for the delivery fee and an additional refund over 100€. Also I don't see any hint for a yearly payment, it is stated that the monthly fee is 44,99€, 19,99€ in the first six months.
Kind regards,