am 12.12.2021 16:38
Cześć! Moja umowa z tobą prawie wygasła. Otrzymałem już od Ciebie ofertę, ale chcę o tym porozmawiać. Czy mogę otrzymać e-mail lub numer telefonu do kogoś, kto mówi po angielsku? Dziękuję Ci!
am 12.12.2021 17:01
Najlepiej napisz pytanie po Angielsku. Wiecej ludzi moze ci wtedy pomoc.
am 12.12.2021 20:20
Oh my god! I was checking my text in translator and propably pasted polish text! Sorry about it. Ok, so lesson language of polish we have already behind us. My contract is almost expired, i already recived offer from you, but i want to speak about it. Can i get e-mail or phone number, to someone who speaking english? Thank you!
am 17.12.2021 17:48
Hi Chris072,
witamy na naszym forum.
Usually we have nothing to do with the offers of the winback teams. So I don't know if we can really help you there.
The contact persons are the colleagues on the hotline from the confirmation of termination. But there's no special English speaking line.
What kind of offer did you get and what questions do you have about it?
What kind of contract do you currently have with us and in which state do you live?