Cable internet problems

Hello, I kindly write requesting for help. 



I am having a cable internet contract from Vodafone which started in July last year in 2023. The internet connection was good up to around October,2023. I called the Vodafone engineers but nothing helped. From then, I have been paying for internet but not using it.


The last engineers told me that I should tell the neighbors upstairs to allow us enter their apartment in order to repair cable connection but the neighbors refused. So, my internet is not working. Also, I talked to my landlord and he told that for our building the tenants use the DSL connection but not cable.



The annoying thing is that I am paying every month for the internet I am not using. 


So, my question is, what are my options to change from cable to DSL and my cable internet contract to be cancelled right away.


1 Antwort 1

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