- zuletzt bearbeitet am
I have purchased GigaHome 100 Cable from Check24. they cintacted Keine Bereitstellungsentgelt 0.00 provision fee but today i have recieved my first month invoice from vodafone charging 53 Euro for Bereitstellungsentgelt. Is there a misunderstanding?
how can i get it refunded? im attaching both the check 24 agreement and vodafone invoice for clarification.
21.08.2024 20:02 - bearbeitet 21.08.2024 20:04
File attachment removed - contained personal data.
Dont sign a contract when you cant read/understand it.
Removed personal data for re upload and removed unnecessary information - doin the photoshop magic!
Clarification: when there is a minus in front of the sexy numbers means you have a credit on the costumer account - no charge
Mark1: provision fee already reimbursed
Mark2: you got a credit
Mark3: It starts with "Ihre Gutschrift" - translation "Your Credit" - no charge
Copied questions from here
"1. Does vodafone reimburse/provision fee when you cancel the contract and return the router/device ?
2. what happens to this provision fee/Bereitstellungsentgelt if i transfer the contract to someone else name?
3. what happens to provision fee/Bereitstellungsentgelt if i relocate and move my connection to a new location?"
1. no
2. gone - bound to costumer
3. goes with the costumer, the relocation fee still applies
In the forums is no support since 08/22.
Its a costumer helps costumer forum