




Belastung für nicht vorhandenes Netflix-Konto - Kundennummer xxxxxxxxxxx



Ich heisse: Mircea (Kundennummer xxxxxxxxxxxx).


Problem gemeldet:


Mir wird seit Februar 2022 ein Netflix Premium Abo HD für 17,99 Euro monatlich von Kabel Vodafone Deutschland für einen nicht existierenden Netflix-Account mit einer nicht existierenden E-Mail in Rechnung gestellt.


Ich habe kein Netflix-Konto. Ich habe einen GIGA TV von Vodafone Deutschland und eine Vodafone Rechnung mit der Vertragsnummer: ***bei Netflix International B.V. für Netflix Premium Abo HD für die Monate Februar, März und April 2022.


Ich habe die auf dem Bildschirm der Netflix-Anwendung auf GIGA TV angezeigten Tipps befolgt und bin der Adresse http://help.netflix.com gefolgt.


Dort hatte ich ein Gespräch mit dem Netflix-Kundendienst. Mir wurde bestätigt, dass es kein Netflix-Konto auf meinen Namen gibt, und ich sollte mich an Vodafone Kabel wenden, um Zahlungen zu stornieren.


In Anbetracht dessen stornieren Sie bitte Zahlungen an Netflix für den Dienst, den ich nicht genutzt habe und nicht möchte, und das Konto existiert nicht.


Bitte überweisen Sie den von mir im Februar, M**piep** und April 2022 ohne Angabe von Gründen für Netflix bezahlten Gesamtbetrag von 53,97 Euro so, wie er auf den Rechnungen erscheint, auf mein Konto zurück.


Vielen Dank im Voraus


Edit: @MirceaP Kundennummer entfernt, bitte keine persönlichen Daten öffentlich posten. Gruss Methusalem1

9 Antworten 9

Hallo MirceaP,


dass ist ja seltsam. Ich möchte es mir gerne ansehen. Schreib mir dazu bitte per Privatnachricht Deine Kundennummer, Namen, Geburtsdatum und Anschrift zu. Melde Dich anschließend wieder hier im Beitrag.

Viele Grüße

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Hallo MirceaP,


ich habe Dir per PN Deine Abonnement-ID geschickt. Wende Dich bitte mit dieser noch mal an Netflix. Schreib anschließend kurz noch mal, ob Du alles klären konntest.


Viele Grüße


Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

Hello MirceaP,


At your request, I will answer you in English. I'm sorry that you seem to have unwillingly ended up with a Netflix subscription. In your case, I can only guess what happened - because it's not really possible. Hence my question:


Is it possible that someone else has access to your TV box? To sign up for a Netflix subscription via the TV box, you have to go to the Netflix app and select "Register", enter your data and accept the terms and conditions. A "wrong, unconscious click" can therefore be ruled out.


Or was the TV box supposed to be connected to an existing Netflix account and the wrong email address was used? Perhaps a second account was created by mistake.


This is how you can see which email address the subscription is running on:


1) Start the GigaTV Box.

2) Call up the main menu by pressing the menu key.

3) Select the Netflix app with the arrow key and open it with the Ok key.

4) Open the stored profile in the same way.

5) Navigate to the left side menu and select "Help".

6) Open the menu item "Member" Here you can see which email address was entered during registration.

7) Under the menu item "Contact", you can immediately contact Netflix. Here you will also find your personal service code.


In any case, please contact Netflix directly using the email address stored there, as the contract was concluded with Netflix and not with us. We can't cancel it for you there either.


I hope that this helps you and that you can clarify it with Netflix.


Best regards


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Ich habe ohne Hilfe mit Netflix gesprochen.


Ich habe alles, was ich mit ihnen gesprochen habe, unten angehängt. Bitte lesen Sie sorgfältig, was ich mit Netflix und deren Antwort gesprochen habe.


Ich möchte dieses Netflix-Abonnement loswerden, das ich nicht nutze, bei dem ich mich nicht anmelden kann und bei dem ich nicht einmal die E-Mail-Adresse kenne, mit der es erstellt wurde.


-------------------- Netflix Customer Service CHAT 04-05-2022 --------------------------------------------

Princes Babe

Netflix Customer Service

Hello, what can we help you with today?
Netflix • 10:15 AM

I'm being charged by Vodafone for a non-existent Netflix account
10:16 AM

These articles might answer your questions, or you can chat with an agent.
Netflix Billing through Vodafone Idea
Netflix Billing through Globe Telecom
T-Mobile Netflix on Us Package with Netflix
Netflix • 10:16 AM

Chat with an agent
10:16 AM

Got it, thanks.

Before chatting, can you sign in?
Netflix • 10:16 AM

10:16 AM

OK, someone will be with you shortly.
Netflix • 10:16 AM
You are now chatting with: Princes Babe

Hi I'm Princes and let me help you.

Just a reminder, please avoid pressing the back (◀) or closing/leaving () this chat window so that we won't get disconnected.

Have you already called Vodafone for this ?
Princes Babe • 10:17 AM

Yes and we had a long conversation. The problem is, Vodafone can't tell me the email for which the Netflix account was created. I have a Giga TV Box and I'm from Germany.
10:19 AM

Thank you.

We also cant provide the email address unfortunately but we can try to check from your Vodafone box.

Do you have it with you ?
Princes Babe • 10:20 AM

Yes my Giga Tv box is open. Vodafone give my this numbers: Abonnement-ID: 971514257 and contract number: 276619060
10:21 AM

Thank you.
Princes Babe • 10:21 AM

Now when l want to create a new acount with my right email address is say: "Looks like you already have a Netflix account".
10:21 AM

Are you able to try to launch Netflix from the box right now?
Princes Babe • 10:22 AM

I dont have acces to this account and Vodafone it says me in writing:

"In any case, please contact Netflix directly using the email address stored there, as the contract was concluded with Netflix and not with us. We can't cancel it for you there either."

Now I have on the screen: "Sign in" and "Join now" buttons.
10:23 AM

May I know what you can see when you pull up the Netflix app from the box?
Princes Babe • 10:23 AM

Now I have on the screen: "Sign in" and "Join now" buttons.

Sign in and Continue
10:24 AM

I see.
Princes Babe • 10:24 AM

"Sign in" and "Continue"
10:24 AM

Have you checked with your family if they have accidentally tried to open their Netflix account from the app on your Vodafone?
Princes Babe • 10:25 AM

Nowone in my family have Netflix we dont have Vodafone mobil only Internet kabel and TV.

We are not Netflix customers and no one ever open and used Netflix in my family.
10:26 AM

Alright I understand.

I apologize for the inconvenience of this.

We can also try to check from your Vodafone account.

Do you have another device now like another phone or computer that you can use to access : [www].offers.vodafone.com/de
Princes Babe • 10:27 AM

yes, but yhis link: [www.]offers.vodafone.com/de is not working
10:29 AM

I see.
Princes Babe • 10:29 AM

Thats the problem. I tried and is very easy to create bogus account with bogus emails on this Giga Tv Box and select "Partners metod as payments": For example I just created this 2 accounts, but are not active. Please see the email:

password: 12345a

password: 12345a
10:30 AM

Actually both emails dont show an active account.
Princes Babe • 10:31 AM

I thisk maybe my child did this in Januar, entered a bogus, non existent email and selected partners method Vodafone direct from Giga Tv Box and account was created. But if I don`t know this email I cand do nothing? Im charged 17,99 Euro per month starting February for an fake, non existent account?
10:32 AM

I'm really sorry but we can only help cancel the account when we can locate it and we have very few options in locating partner billed accounts. For Vodafone billed accounts, we can only determine the email from the Vodafone box if the Netflix account is still logged in or the website.
Princes Babe • 10:33 AM

Yes dont show active account but You can not see this? gmx.demtt and gmail.comd ??? are non existent web domains

You can create Netflix account with any email after the "@" sign on this Giga Tv Box
10:34 AM

Since both do not work right now, I will really need to refer you to Vodafone and let them know that we have no other way of determining the email to locate it on our system so perhaps they can help you get in to the Vodafone website because it should be listed there.

If this is not possible, you can tell the Vodafone agent you need help recovering their Netflix login information and ask the agent to open an issue ticket.

Then please provide the agent with the email address you wish to use for Netflix.

Lastly, the Vodafone agent will follow their internal escalation process to get this fixed.
Princes Babe • 10:35 AM

I have access to [https]://kabel.vodafone.de/meinkabel account but Netflix is not listed there, only on my 3 Invoice: Contract number: 276619060 at Netflix International B.V. for Netflix Premium Abo HD.

OK. I copy this conversation and send it to Vodafone.
10:37 AM

I am very sorry but we can only locate the account when we can get the email and both the emails you provided are not an active Netflix accounts so please let Vodafone know of this, alright?
Princes Babe • 10:38 AM

OK. Thanks
10:38 AM

NO problem at all and I apologize again for the inconvenience of this.

If you have any questions in the future, you can always visit NETFLIX.COM/HELP for our Help Center page for streaming issues and Netflix FAQs.

Thank you for contacting Netflix. Have a good one and goodbye.
Princes Babe • 10:39 AM






I'm really sorry but we can only help cancel the account when we can locate it and we have very few options in locating partner billed accounts. For Vodafone billed accounts, we can only determine the email from the Vodafone box if the Netflix account is still logged in or the website.
Princes Babe • 10:33 AM


Since both do not work right now, I will really need to refer you to Vodafone and let them know that we have no other way of determining the email to locate it on our system so perhaps they can help you get in to the Vodafone website because it should be listed there.

If this is not possible, you can tell the Vodafone agent you need help recovering their Netflix login information and ask the agent to open an issue ticket.


Then please provide the agent with the email address you wish to use for Netflix.


Lastly, the Vodafone agent will follow their internal escalation process to get this fixed.
Princes Babe • 10:35 AM


I am very sorry but we can only locate the account when we can get the email and both the emails you provided are not an active Netflix accounts so please let Vodafone know of this, alright?
Princes Babe • 10:38 AM


Hallo MirceaP,


ich habe bei uns im System nachgeschaut und ich kann leider keine Abrechnung bei uns für Netflix finden. So leid es mir tut, aber leider kann ich Dir da nicht weiterhelfen.


Viele Grüße


Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!
Problem, das ich über Netflix erwähnt habe Ich, habe auch den Vodafone Kundeservice 99116 Erfurt schriftlich angeschrieben. Ich habe dieser Nachricht eine Kopie meiner Bewerbung beigefügt.
Bitte lesen Sie den beigefügten Antrag.
Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder weitere Informationen wünschen, senden Sie mir diese bitte schriftlich per E-Mail zu. Wie Sie meiner Anfrage entnehmen können, habe ich es mehrmals telefonisch versucht und mir wurde nicht geholfen.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Edit: Anhang mit persönlichen Daten entfernt. Team Community

Hallo MirceaP,


ich habe jetzt die Abrechnung über uns raus genommen. Die Abrechnung von Netflix findet dann direkt mit Dir statt. Du bekommst dadurch die Rechnung von Netflix. Ich drück Dir die Daumen, dass Du es hierdurch klären kannst.


Viele Grüße


Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

Hallo, ich hab das identische Problem und bitte ebenfalls um die Lösung.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Uwe Parsiegla