Vodafone Wi-Fi 6 Station - Internet LED blinks red

Hello community!

First of all, sorry for writing in English, but my German is ganz schlecht.

Second of all, this problem is very urgent, I am a remote worker and I need to set up my wifi urgently.


Now, as per the title, I installed today my Vodafone Wi-Fi 6 Station, and after a few seconds the Power and Wi-Fi LEDS started to have a static white light. Instead the Internet LED is blinking red. I tried to wait some hours, restart the router, unplug it for a few minutes, reconnect all the cables. 


I already searched a lot and I found several similar threads in this forum, and for what I see the most common resolution is fixing an appointment with a technician (I suspect something is weird with the line cables in my apartment, I just moved in).


Can someone please support? Ready to share my info to be contacted by the technician (as I said, the matter is pretty urgent).


Thank you


12 Antworten 12

Additional information:

- I am located in Niedersachsen (30161 Hannover)

- The contract was requested on the 28.05.2022, it's active since the 07.06.2022 (but I received and installed the router only today, 09.06.2022)

- Router model is CGA6444VF


I can also speak some German if necessay, but it's much better in English


Hello Andrea,


English is no problem here :). But unfortunately it may take some time until we can reply again. You specifically mentioned the Wifi but I assume your ethernet connection doesn't work as well, right? I would like to check this and send a technician, if necessary. Please send me the following details:


- your name

- the full address

- the customer number

- birth date of the contract owner

- the MAC address of the router

- a mobile number


Please answer here in this thread afterwards. If we have to send a technician he will need access to the house installation, can you grant him that? Please also inform us if there are symptoms in your household that might be linked to Covid-19.


Kind regards,


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Hi Claudia, thanks for your reply.


Actually yesterday evening I managed to call the Vodafone hotline, they said that today a technician will get in touch to fix an appointment, so I believe I'm good to go 


Sorry, I forgot to drop a line here after that.


Thank you



Hello Andrea,


no need to apologize :). We would be happy if you would give us a feedback when the technician left if everything works.


Kind regards,


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Hi @Claudia, thank you. The technician came, and sadly he found out that the cable that arrives in the apartment is not for cable connection, but just for TV and radio. Tomorrow he will come again, and pass a cable from the apartment to the basement (it will be a lot of work I imagine, fourth floor here, but also other neighbors had to do it). Hopefully tomorrow evening I will be online.


In the meanwhile I have another question: how do I connect to Vodafone Homespot? I should be able to do that since I have a Kabel Vertrag, but whenever I try to connect (there is one available, probably from a neighbour) nothing happens (both from my smartphone and my laptop). I would expect that once connected I should see a page to login, but nothing shows up, I just get the notification that there is no internet connection on this wifi.


Hello andrifiore,


unfortunately, the contract only becomes active when the router is activated. Only then can you use the Homespot. Sorry that I do not have any better news for you.


Greetings Moni

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Hope everyone are doing good!!

It seems I too have a similar problem but did not find an answer here in this forum.

Had installed the Vodafone wifi 6 Station as prescribed but I am struck since the Internet LED blinks Red. Power and WiFi LEDs are static and white.

Looked at all possible options, restarting the WiFi station, plugging into different data points available at apartment but with no success.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks and Regards



Hello Srikanth59,


if there is no signal at the modem, a technician has to take a look at it. Have you already tried this at the hotline?


Regards Fred

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Thanks Fred.

Yes I believe will require a technician at my apartment.

Tried the hotline and asked for their help as well but they kept on hold and mentioned a technician will get in touch.

Basically looking forward for some help from technician to see any connections that are missing or something is different here in the apartment.

