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I'm having DNS problems for some sites and timeouts in all my devices in my home network (my smartphone, my TV and two laptops). I have a Vodafone Station and the problem started few months ago.
Looks like Vodafone activated some filtering and when I open the Chrome DevTools, it shows resources timeout and sometimes failing because the network changed.
Unfortunately I do not speak German and could get a support via phone. Going to some Vodafone store I was adivised to ask some person who speaks German to call Vodafone for me.
I saw other posts saying to define the DNS manually, but I could also not find this option in my Vodafone Station moden. Even in the expert mode.
Any idea?
Edit: @marciovmartins Moved in the correct board. Best regards Kurtler
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 06.01.2023 22:37
am 06.01.2023 22:37
am 07.01.2023 01:02
@marciovmartins schrieb:
I saw other posts saying to define the DNS manually, but I could also not find this option in my Vodafone Station moden. Even in the expert mode.
There is no such option in the Vodafone station.
Only the FritzBox has such option.