DHL send my DSL router back

I gave my work address to get my router and DHL could not deliver, but I was here the whole day. The router was send back and now I have my connection, but I don't have the DSL router.

How can I get the router as fast as possibel, Is possibel to get it in a store close to me ?

6 Antworten 6
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey IvanBritto,


i'm sorry that the router was not delivered as planned. 😞

You can call us and my collegues will send you the router again. Did you try this?

It's not possible to get one in our shops.

Best regards


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Yes, I tried, but it is in German and I cloud not undertand right. I couldn't find any other way to communicate with you, no email, no real chat (only that stupid bot).

I'm regreting to have cotracted Vodafone already.


Best Regards

Community Manager
Community Manager

Okay. I understand. Sorry, that you could not reach us.

Just send me a private message with your personal data.

Best regards



Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes!

Hi there,


I have also encountered the same problem, DHL sent my router back to Vodafone and I could not find a way to tell Vodafone to send it again. Could someone help me please? 

English Support is on FB or Twitter.


Thank you, I will try that. I actually sent a PN to the staff who replied above but got replied that I need to post publicly first, so here I am